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Czy CCleaner na androida nie koliduje z Avast Mobile Security?


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Ja z takim pytaniem bo mam obecnie obydwie aplikacje wymienione w tytule i czy to nie jest czasem powod zawieszania sie tel? Bo wlasnie jakos od tej pory co zainstalowalam zaczal swirowac i drugie pytanie czy da sie jakos wylaczyc dzialanie w tle?  Tak zeby apka zostala ale zeby nie dzialaly obie caly czas tylko jak ja wlacze. 

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Does CCleaner for Android conflict with Avast Mobile Security?

I have this question because I currently have both applications mentioned in the title and isn't this sometimes the reason why phones hang up? Because somehow, since I installed it, it started to spin and the second question is: is it possible to somehow turn off the background operation? So that the app stays, but they don't both work all the time, only when I turn it on.



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