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Email Address Change


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Three weeks ago I sent a request to change my email address.   Other than an automated response, which I responded to, I have yet to receive any further communication and my email address has not been changed.  Does it always take this long to have a simple request responded to?

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Not usually, but apparently support are pretty busy at the moment and are taking much longer than usual to deal with requests.

As long as you have the acknowledgement then your request is in the queue to be dealt with.

And sorry but no I dont know how long they are taking at the moment.

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Thanks for the info, but I've never had any other request for tech service with any other company I have dealt with take even remotely this long to respond.  Most have someone available to chat with almost immediately.  If they can't respond to their customers within a reasonable time frame, perhaps they should hire more people, or simply let people set up accounts that customers can manage themselves.  

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We agree with you.

All I can say is that support were usually very quick to respond, usually a couple of hours at most, but for some reason that changed a couple of months ago and they went very slow.
We don't know the reason why that changed, and the company isn't saying other than they got very busy.
There have been plenty of complaints about it.

One thing - don't raise another request ticket.
We are told that because of the way the automatic request queuing software works if you raise another one (from the same email adress)  then the original one gets merged into it and so you end up at the back of the queue again.
I believe that it's like that to avoid/deter attempts at 'queue jumping'.

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Finally heard from CCleaner, two days ago.  The tech said they were conferring with someone to process my request.  I did not realize that changing an email address required a conference, but who knows.  No further communication after that.

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Good to hear that it has been sorted out for you now.

Not so good to hear how long it has taken.

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