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CCleaner current location is wrong in Google Maps

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When I open Google maps in Chrome it correctly shows me at my house as my current location. When I open Google maps with CCleaner Browser it has my current location many miles from where I am.  It will consistently show me in one spot for a while then change to another spot but never to my actual location. I can only assume this is an error in CCleaner Browser. Is there a way to fix this or to report it? Below you will see my current location in Chrome on the right (this is also off but only by about a mile). On the left is CCleaner which has me 15 miles to the north.

Screenshot 2023-09-18 081019.png

Screenshot 2023-09-18 081325.png

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The CCleaner Browser is meant to obscure your personal information, and give 'trackers' false information.


It will consistently show me in one spot for a while then change to another spot but never to my actual location

Changing your 'supposed' location from time to time is an anti-tracking/anti-fingerprinting measure.

I'm not sure just which setting in CCleane Browser does it, but if you want to then you could try turning off the anti-tracking and/or anti-fingerprinting in CCleaner Browser to see if Google Maps then shows your true location?

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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