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Black Screen


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Hello im using windows 11 64bit    when ever I open ccleaner and press something to scan or clean. My  screen will blink black for just a sec then back to normal keeps doing this over and over every time I click scan/clean/open program / analyze.  and its only CCleaner thats doing that no other programs doing that.

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Are you using a laptop, or is it a seperate monitor?

Why it should be just with CCleaner for you I have no idea, I do get a similar black-for-a-second screen on one of my laptops but only when playing solitaire.
I've never managed to track down what causes it on mine.

With a seperate monitor it could be just a poor cable connection.
Sometimes it can be your Antivirus, or another background running app interfering with the graphics.
Or it could be a driver issue.
Or a System or Hardware issue.

This article gives help to troubleshoot and fix the problem: https://www.cgdirector.com/fix-monitor-goes-black/

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You could uninstall/reinstall CCleaner but I doubt that it will be any different.

It isn't a CCleaner bug - it's a hardware/system glitch.

If you Google "Black screen for a second" you will see that it's pretty common.

It does affect single monitor setups and laptops; it isn't just dual screen setups.

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