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Strange behaviour of Speccy - leading to BSOD with a strange error


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I am encountering a strange error in Win 11 22H2 - i have installed Speccy but two things happen. 

First, on launch it leads to BSOD every time - error: secrure pci config space access violation - related to cpuz149_x64.sys.

Second, Speccy does not appear in control panel programmes or ccleaner uninstall lists - so i cannot uninstall it.  but appears in startup menu.

Any ideas what to do about this?  might it be another reason, something else than Speccy itself?  the sys file appears in the Local/Temp folder in the user account.  not in Windows/Temp.  I can delete it but it appears again.  I had CPUID installef but uninstalled it - and deleted every trace that was visible.  I am not sure what else to describe at this stage.  

Anuy advice much appreciated - thank you.

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If Speccy is not showing as installed in the CP or CCleaners uninstall list then that may be the problem, it may have been a failed or incomplete install.
(Did you get it from the Piriform/CCleaner website or download it through some other website?).

What I would do-

Download a new Speccy installer direct from here and install it over the top of what's already there. https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/builds

See if it's showing in the CP and CCleaner now and if its working properly now, if not:

If you don't have it already then download/install Revo Uninstaller (The Free version is fine). https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo-uninstaller-free-download/
Reinstall Speccy again.
Now use Revo to uninstall the Speccy you just installed and to clean up any leftovers.
Reinstall Speccy again and see if it's now working properly.

PS. That cpuz149_x64.sys file could be being put there by various applications.
It's a CPU-Z file and can be put there by CPU-Z itself, CPUID, hwmonitor, Corsair iCUE, and various other apps that include system monitors.
The fact that it's coming back after you delete it says that you still have some monitoring tool (or tweaking tool) installed that is using it.

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thank you so much!  will get it all done as you say - the Speccy is from Ccleaner proper... i wonder whether there is a tweaker that may still use that sys thing.  Anyway, will let you know and i am very grateful for your time! 

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hello! i have done everything and it is really something to do with my system, i reckon - needs windows reinstall.  so, downloaded Speccy as you said, installed on top of what was there and it turns up in CP etc.  but does not work past BSOD as ever. uninstalled with Revo and cleaned traces.  tried again - again it did not show up in CP, installed on top again - and it did show up. BSOD again.  strange.  i think it's to do with this system altogether, not Speccy.  thank you so much for your time! 

PS. i note you are in the Lakes - i am in Lancaster. Small world indeed! 

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I'm just guessing here, but that sys file indicates that you do have some other tweaking/monitoring file in use, and it could be that which is clashing with Speccy.

A BSOD is a bit of a severe thing to happen when 2 softwares clash, but odd things happen with computers.

Reading more about that error message that you are getting then it may simply be a clash of the 2 applications trying to write to the same protected space.
It gets technical: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/pci/accessing-pci-device-configuration-space

There again it could be that Speccy is trying to read some peripheral hardware that is 'broken' but that doesn't normally get accessed during your usual use.

Unless of course you are also getting other BSODs, in which case then it is time to look at the system in general.
(I had an old laptop that would BSOD fairly regularly and I couldn't work out why. Then about 4 months ago I swapped out the old spinning disk for a SSD and have had no more BSOD's with it. So it must have been a problem with that old drive or it's controller).


I'm  up in Egremont, just outside the National Park. (Which should also give you a clue where my username comes from).

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Hello! thank you so much for your time - i did find that microsoft article too and could not make my mind up what it all is.  very likely - this is a new laptop with an M2 SSD which may be misfiring somewherem even though Samsung Magician cannot find any bit of it problematic at all - it is this, as you say:  it could be that Speccy is trying to read some peripheral hardware that is 'broken' but that doesn't normally get accessed during your usual use.  Which is even more trouble because it needs that drive replacing and the whole circus with returns and all that.  BUt it comes from PC Specialist and they seem very good and certainly are trying to help as best they can.  I only got this BSOD at the moment, but i have a feeling it will catch me out again with something else - because they never go from bad to good, do they...

I am on the other side of the park - i say i am because i commute daily to a farm south of Kendal.  I see the Nuke thing. 

Have a good evening and thank you!

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