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CCleaner vs Chrome

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I had a problem with my new computer and Geek Squad helped out. They said to remove CCleaner Browser and install Chrome. I did but was getting a lot of  spy ware on my computer. I use SpyHunter 5. I never liked Chrome in the first place so I decided to test it out. I ran SpyHunter 5 and cleaned out 70 some spyware and add ware. I opened Chrome and my email then closed it. I ran Spy Hunter 5 again and had 22 spy ware and add ware that quick. Three of them were rated 50% dangerous each time. I then uninstalled Chrome and added CCleaner back. I ran SpyHunter 5 and was clean. That was three days ago. I've run SpyHunter on the hour through a schedule and have been clean every time. So If you like spyware on your computer make sure you have the Chrome Browser. If not stick with CCleaner.

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6 hours ago, Dagwood said:

I had a problem with my new computer and Geek Squad helped out. They said to remove CCleaner Browser and install Chrome.

That's a typical helpdesk/helper kind of advice when they come across an app that they don't know about - they don't know what CCleaner Browser is/does so 'advise' you to replace it with something more bog-standard eg. Chrome, Firefox or even Edge Chromium.

As you have found that is not always the best thing that you can do.

(A worse one is that I regularly see 'helpers' on certain other fora 'advising' people to remove particular apps for no other reason than the 'helper' personally doesn't like them).

If you do want to use the standard Chrome then I'd advise that you install the free MalwareBytes Browser Guard add-on/extension to it, that will block ads and nasties to keep your browsing safer.
There are also versions for Firefox, and Edge Chromium, and for Safari on a Mac.

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