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Hackers outfox Mozilla


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An exploit in Mozilla's Firefox browser has been found that can hijack the software and monitor submit-and-click events.


"With the steady increase of the number of Firefox users we will see the number of malicious extensions created for Firefox grow," he said. "Unfortunately, as soon as something becomes popular, it also becomes a popular target."



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That story isn't the whole story. While the malware installs itself in Firefox, it doesn't get there via a security hole in the browser. It's installed by a Trojan that comes in an attachment to an email. It's rated as a low risk, because it's easy to prevent, easy to detect, and easy to remove.


Malicious extensions are a real threat, though. More needs to be done to make it clear to users that extensions, once installed, have the power to do almost anything. You should never install extensions from any source that isn't absolutely known to be safe. The average user should stick to the official Mozilla Add-ons site.

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