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duplicate finder issue

Ed D

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I am using duplicate finder for a portable drive.   If i pick K:\*.*   match by name size date - I get all duplicates

If i search for only K:\*.mp4    I get nothing

C cleaner issue.JPG

Edited by Ed D
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Are the files (or the duplicates) in sub-directories on K: ?

If so then have you told 'K:\*.mp4" to include files and subfolders? (It defaults to files only when setting up an include).

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Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on how you look at it) it is set up that way deliberately so that you have to at least half think about what is being selected for deletion.

It helps to avoid mass deleting the wrong files/copies.

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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CCleaner's Duplicate Finder can find the duplicated files for you, saving you hours of searching yourself.
But that is all it is meant to do, find any duplicates.
It can also delete them once found, but only you can decide which to delete.

CCleaner can't know if you want to keep none, one, or all of them - only you can decide that.

Partially that will depend on which 'Match by' options you have selected.
eg. As a simple example - If you only match on name (or even name/size) that doesn't mean that 2 files found with the same name (and size) are actually identical.

If you don't know which of your duplicate mp4 files you want to keep then how can CCleaner be expected to know for you?
If CCleaner tried to do that then I suspect we would soon see lots of complaints about it "deleting the wrong ones".

PS. If rather than your own music/photo/video/document/etc. files you mean duplicate system or appliction files then leave those alone.
Some duplicate system and appliction files are needed for your computer to run properly.
Unless you are a computer technician you should always tick the box in Duplicate Finder to ignore system files.

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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