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Latest Pro version hanging on cleaning Systems Recycle.Bin


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In run CCleaner Pro and in the latest update v5.64.7613 in the Windows tree under System I have "Empty Recycle Bin" checked. In previous versions this was never an issue but in the new version CCleaner hangs around trying to clean the attached folders. Eventually it get's going but it is slowing things down and when I run CCleaner again it again tries to clean the same folders. I have now unticked the "systems - Empty Recycle Bin" box.  I see these are WinSxS files. I tried Windows Admin Tools Disk Cleaner but it does not respond to Clean System files. It starts the process but then just disappears.


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I'm not sure how WinSxS files have come to be in the Recycle Bin. Had you manually deleted them yourself?

WinSxS files are needed by Windows for a time following an update, Windows will remove them itself after 30 days or Windows built in Disk Clean-up will remove them if its safe to do so.


Deleting files from the WinSxS folder or deleting the entire WinSxS folder may severely damage your system so that your PC might not boot and make it impossible to update.


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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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No, I had to search for these files and only then found out what the are all about. I recently rolled back Win 10 Pro version 1909 as I preferred Version 1903. This could perhaps have been a factor? I have no idea why these files ended up in the recycle bin. Just finding that file was only possible by using "Everything" to search for it. It is not possible to manually clean the C:\SRecycle.Bin\ file. It is huge >6gb

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9 minutes ago, Pastat said:

It is not possible to manually clean the C:\SRecycle.Bin\ file. It is huge >6gb

Which could explain why CCleaner got stuck on it as well.

I'd suggest resetting the Bin as shown in this article: https://www.vistax64.com/threads/recycle-bin-corrupted-cannot-delete-file-or-folder.131294/

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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I looked at that article and it seems to focus on cleaning the WinSxS folder. My issue is that in the process of reverting to a previous Version (back to 1903 from 1909) Windows seems to have dumped the contents of WinSxS in the recycle bin. The bin is now overflowing and neither CCleaner or Disc Cleanup can clean it.

Any Ideas?

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The first option there, using rd (remove directory) from an elevated (administrator) Command Window, deletes the entire Recycle Bin and so Windows will recreate a new empty bin.

I'm still not sure how WinSxS files ended up in the bin, it must have been sonething to do with rolling back?, something I've never done.

But the other option would be to reinstall Windows altogether. Which would be 1909 with no rollback option.

There again we are not far off 2004 so maybe you could put up with 1909 for a few weeks.

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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Hi nukecad,

Yes, I used the first option but somehow it did not work completely. Another page suggested the same rd option but had suggestion they called Method 2 as shown here:


I used it and it worked!

Thanks Very Much for helping, I hate a PC that is not "clean" and with CCleaner my PC is again clean.

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Good to hear you got it sorted out.

Removing the bin from the command lne' usually does the trick, but as you found there are other ways you sometimes need depending on just what has caused the problem in the first place.
I'm guessing that somehow the roll-back screwed up permissions which is why you needed that second step?

But as long as it's now OK then that is what matters.

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Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:


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