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Bandwidth Monitor


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I am looking for a bandwidth monitor for a small network of 7 pc's. I'm not interested to see what every pc is doing, but I want to see the total amount of bandwidth used by every pc. We've got ADSL with a Marconi router.

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Hello LeonB,

I don't really know a lot about these, so before you get some more ideas from other members, here is a free one I found for you to look at.




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Have a look in List of Lists Netwok tools:


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Maybe your router has a built-in bandwidth monitor?


Or you could install a separate little small bandwidth monitor on each of the computers.


Or you could install MRTG or some SNMP software, but that is more complex and difficult I think...


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