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CCleaner Pro "Lifetime" Licence - why has it expired?


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The order cofirmation you have attached is for Recuva, not CCleaner................unless it was bundled with CCleaner?

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Dave CCleaner

@Kenjinn Yes that is Recuva.  Looks like you purchased in 2014.  As such you purchased by version. It came with a year of free updates and priority support.  Your priority support from that purchase ended in 2015.  If you are not in a business and do not need priority support then, as you may have noticed, the product still works fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At best this is an anti-consumer practice, regardless of how snotty you get about how "your EULA in 2011 said X" you have done very little to dispel any confusion about the license agreement - this thread is a testament to that - Telling users "it's buried in that long-since replaced EULA from 2011 (which we know you didn't read)" is not enough, you need to take steps to actively avoid any confusion or misrepresentation of your product - an email to existing users clarifying that this is the case as an example would have gone a long way.

I purchased a license in 2013 (rather than go down the piracy route) as I wanted to support the development of the product - I won't be supporting it further



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Thowing in my two cents (and screen shot) but I purchased 2 products at the same time, one states it's for a year the other does not..... The implication is clear - 



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1 hour ago, justthefaqs said:

Thowing in my two cents (and screen shot) but I purchased 2 products at the same time, one states it's for a year the other does not..... The implication is clear - 

If this was 2013 then neither product was for a year. For consumers all products were sold by version - and you can keep using the version that you bought at the time for as long as you want. 

When you bought Defraggler, as your screenshot shows, it explicitly said in the product description that it also came with an additional "1 year of software updates and support".  When you bought CCleaner it didn't say that.  But you got it anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Dave CCleaner said:

If this was 2013 then neither product was for a year. For consumers all products were sold by version - and you can keep using the version that you bought at the time for as long as you want. 

When you bought Defraggler, as your screenshot shows, it explicitly said in the product description that it also came with an additional "1 year of software updates and support".  When you bought CCleaner it didn't say that.  But you got it anyway.

Firstly I apologise, the screen shot doesn't have the invoice date, it's 6th December 2012 just incase I'm about to embarrass myself....

[snip] Secondly I had a rather lengthy response typed out then I realised you emboldened product so that when I start talking about my licence expiry date being exactly 1 year from my invoice date we're going to end up with a back and forth about my tired mistake so I'm going to omit that and go with my final sentiment - 

I know I've been on the internet long enough where I have collected a fair few grandfathered in products where business models have changed and the company involved has been kind enough to the loyal customers who have been with them since the earlier days. Everyone in this thread is customer of yours who made a conscious decision to pay you an amount of money because they decided the professional version was worth it, please show them a bit more respect instead of acting like we're freeloaders and you've eventually decided we've had our fill, if the Avast Overlords were to treat them properly these are the exact people who would go forth an expound the value in paying for the Professional version to others that would then be paying subscribers.

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I am jumping on the bandwaggon here too. I Too bought this almost 4 years ago after using the free version before then for some time.

Since I bought this I have received all the updates free without having to buy it again as part of a subscription, you HAVE clearly changed your model and practices. We are aware that you changed the software to include the update of some programs, but very little on the surface has changed. It is like someone has drawn a line in the sand and said  well we know you have been having all these updates etc well now we want more money, I am guessing this pop up we are now getting was included in the last update?


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4 hours ago, Bluetac said:

I am jumping on the bandwaggon here too. I Too bought this almost 4 years ago after using the free version before then for some time.

Since I bought this I have received all the updates free without having to buy it again as part of a subscription, you HAVE clearly changed your model and practices. We are aware that you changed the software to include the update of some programs, but very little on the surface has changed. It is like someone has drawn a line in the sand and said  well we know you have been having all these updates etc well now we want more money, I am guessing this pop up we are now getting was included in the last update?


If you look back to my post of June 26th this year, you'll that the pop ups started around then with version 5.59.7230. I had been running V5.58.7209 which suddenly had automatic updates reactivated shortly before. I had initially thought it was a bonus. However, when the next automatic update "upgraded" 🤣 my copy to version 5.59.7230 it reverted to the free version, losing automatic cleaning in the process and the pop ups started urging me to upgrade to the Professional version.

Fortunately, I acted immediately and used system restore to go back a few days to when V5.58.7209 was still the installed version. Then I disabled automatic updates and put a block on anything to do with CCleaner or Piriform passing through the Windows firewall. It's been working fine ever since. The only pop ups I get are the ones relating to automatic cleaning. I don't get any advertising pop ups. Obviously I'm stuck with  V5.58.7209 but that's fair enough and it does everything I need. The only problem is Piriform only offer downloads of the latest version so I may not be able to reinstall it if I change my PC but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


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59 minutes ago, Derek_S said:

The only problem is Piriform only offer downloads of the latest version so I may not be able to reinstall it if I change my PC but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Old versions are found at file hippo




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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1 hour ago, Nergal said:

Old versions are found at file hippo

Does that include the versions loaded with MalWare, like v5.33 and Cloud Cleaner 1.07.3191?  Funny, I don't remember Avast sending me, another paying customer (aka 'sucker'), any kind of an e-mail letting me know they were automatically updating my software with "newer" versions containing Malware.  Guess that's yet another way Avast continued to screw their customers.  Avast deserves every bit of the hate they've brought upon themselves.


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10 minutes ago, Sonartech said:

Does that include the versions loaded with MalWare, like v5.33 and Cloud Cleaner 1.07.3191? 

Seems likely that you meant this rhetorically, however i'll answer.  Of course not, why would anyone think that, duh.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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My version is 5.61.7392 and i am still able to do the updates by doing the manual update check via the check for updates, Is  this always going to be the case? 

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1 hour ago, Bluetac said:

My version is 5.61.7392 and i am still able to do the updates by doing the manual update check via the check for updates, Is  this always going to be the case? 

Nobody can promise you "always", however yes, as of this writing, it is only auto update that goes away after a year. You should be brought to a webpage when you click the manual, if not keep it to yourself wink wink.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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10 hours ago, Nergal said:

Old versions are found at file hippo

So I tried that and various older versions are shown but when I clicked on "download this version" it got switched to the latest one instead. I tried the same thing with various download sites and every one that advertised V5.58.7209 switched to the latest version when I clicked on it. Unsurprisingly it seems Piriform don't want people running the older versions.

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Of course if you download/install one of the older versions from Filehippo then you have to be sure to turn off Automatic Updating (or install it offline and turn off the AU before going back online); otherwise it will do as it says and Automatically Update to the latest version.

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5 hours ago, nukecad said:

Of course if you download/install one of the older versions from Filehippo then you have to be sure to turn off Automatic Updating (or install it offline and turn off the AU before going back online); otherwise it will do as it says and Automatically Update to the latest version.

The older versions aren't available. They're listed but if you click to download them, you're switched to the latest version. That goes for every legitimate file download site I checked. ( I'm not including crack/warez type sites. Why would I use them when I've paid for the software?

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Try to get it from the official CCleaner site, you could manually edit the download link to reflect the version you're wanting

Example change the resulting file name in the URL from ccsetup561.exe to ccsetup540.exe or whatever it is you're after. Might work on download sites too, then again it might not.

Just tested it by downloading CCleaner Portable v5.58 from CCleaner.com, merely by copy+paste+editing the URL and it worked.

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6 hours ago, Andavari said:

Try to get it from the official CCleaner site, you could manually edit the download link to reflect the version you're wanting

Example change the resulting file name in the URL from ccsetup561.exe to ccsetup540.exe or whatever it is you're after. Might work on download sites too, then again it might not.

Just tested it by downloading CCleaner Portable v5.58 from CCleaner.com, merely by copy+paste+editing the URL and it worked.

Filehippo is being used as our archive of all older versions for anyone who wanted them - particularly for users on pre-XP Windows operating systems which are incompatible with the later versions.  Looks like there are a few glitches with the FileHippo site at the moment, and we have let them know that it needs fixing.  If they can't manage to sort this out then we may just switch to serving up our own.

In the meantime you should be able to pull out old versions as @Andavari says by editing the download URL - eg: https://download.ccleaner.com/ccsetup554.exe and changing the digits to your version of choice. Although, as @nukecad also pointed out (and as I assumed was the issue at hand on first reading) with automatic updates switched on you will find yourself back on the latest version again in pretty short order.


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It would be nice for users to have an official source for old versions right on the official website CCleaner.com. Allot of software makers still offer at the very least the last version that worked with a particular old/legacy OS -- which is always infinitely safer to get from the official website.

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On 14/09/2019 at 06:46, Andavari said:

Try to get it from the official CCleaner site, you could manually edit the download link to reflect the version you're wanting

Example change the resulting file name in the URL from ccsetup561.exe to ccsetup540.exe or whatever it is you're after. Might work on download sites too, then again it might not.

Just tested it by downloading CCleaner Portable v5.58 from CCleaner.com, merely by copy+paste+editing the URL and it worked.

That worked. As long as I can keep using that version I'll be happy. Auto updates are turned off. Thanks

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I too purchased cCleaner Pro back in 2015 with the understanding that it was NOT a subscription based product.

I will NOT leave cCleaner and I want me original agreement to remain in tack.



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I also have a licence that says it's expired, but continues to update just fine, 6 years later.  

Even lets me use the key to install on new PCs as I have done in the past.

Claiming that there was no such thing as a lifetime licence is bulls**t, and they know it.

2019-09-20 13_14_43-DEVO.png

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To be honest guys,

I had a license for Malwarebytes and Ccleaner and it said about the expiration date: Never 
And now both are not working anymore, explain this to me and the whole community who started with ccleaner and malware since day 1, you guys from Piriform just tell LIES! I'm done with this crap... And then also something else about the price it's not fair!

I'm done with this....

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