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Recovered Videos From Camera Memory Card Not Playing


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I accidentally formatted my 64gb SD memory card that had nine videos on it, used Recuva Deep Scan to recover them, but Windows media Player, VLC and others won't play them now. I used video repair software to fix the corrupted files, but they only have video without audio. What's the next step to get these videos to play properly? Thanks in advance.

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I don't think that there is a next step here, apart from posting on the video repair software forum. You could rerun Recuva with Deep Scan and see if there are any playable results. You could check Scan for Non Deleted Files as well, I don't know what that actually does on FAT systems but it won't hurt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Lapis, I've encountered the same problem- I accidentally formatted my SD card and ran it through Recuva, and it found and recovered my files, but my computer won't allow me to play them on any program. You said you were able to repair it to the point of playable video, just not audio? In my case, I don't need audio, but very much so need the video. Could you share how you did this? Thanks so much!

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12 hours ago, leahg said:

Hey Lapis, I've encountered the same problem- I accidentally formatted my SD card and ran it through Recuva, and it found and recovered my files, but my computer won't allow me to play them on any program. You said you were able to repair it to the point of playable video, just not audio? In my case, I don't need audio, but very much so need the video. Could you share how you did this? Thanks so much!

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Avidemux can also be tried to re-mux ("re-save") the videos without having to re-encode them if you know what video codec/format it was to begin with -- if you don't you may be able to re-encode the video (note that re-encoding will degrade the quality since the source will be lossy). It's all trial and error, and you may have to end up trying and using multiple programs.

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