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Can't Install 5.31.6105

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This is my first ever post on this forum.  I have been using CCleaner for years and years with no problems but three days ago Microsoft installed their Windows 10 Creators Update on my computer.  Yesterday I got a notice that there was an update available for CCleaner.  I tried to download it but got message "Error opening file for writing" with choice to retry, ignore or skip this file.  I chose to retry but got the same response.  Not knowing what else to do, I uninstalled the program from my computer and went to the website to download a new installation.  Again, during installation, I got same "Error opening file for writing" message.  So now I don't have CCleaner on my computer and I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it.

Can somebody help me?  I am not very computer literate.


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Well, I got as far as removing(deleting) one file that was in the Programs File/CCleaner folder; however there is one file that won't remove.  It is ccleaner64.exe.  with a  date modified as 5/19/17; however the folder named CCleaner shows date created of 4/24/14 which is the date I had someone copy all of my files off my old XP computer onto my new Win 8 computer (subsequently upped to 10). 


When I attempt to delete the ccleaner64.exe, I get msg "File Access Denied - You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from computer administrator to make changes to this file."    I am the administrator on this computer - nobody else uses it.


I'm not understanding what happened but it looks like this computer thinks my old computer might be its administrator???  I'm at a complete loss how to fix this.  Would it be possible to rename the CCleaner folder and then delete it?I'm not even sure if it would let me do that.


Any help will surely be appreciated.




Edit:  I just checked in Settings/Accounts and I AM listed as Local Account Administrator

Edited by sherri48
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the ccleaner64.exe file may be in use if you have CC open or Active Monitoring turned on.

maybe the simplest way forward from here is to reboot the PC into Safe Mode, do this by clicking Start, power icon to restart BUT hold down the Shift key as you do so.


PC will reboot into Safe Mode, then go to the CC folder and delete that file.

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Thank you, mta.  Following your instructions, I was able to remove that old ccleaner64.exe file in Safe Mode.  I then successfully downloaded and installed a new installation of ccsetup531.exe . 


Now I have additional questions.  Previously, for several years, I have simply analyzed and then removed whatever the analysis found, not really paying attention to what it was removing.  I am now thinking that was not very smart.  In looking at the items the analysis just now found, I see the Recycle Bin is listed.  I don't like to remove recycle bin items until at least a  month has passed so will remove that item from deletion.  I am wondering what effect some of the other deletions might have - is there a site, or forum thread or some place to look for suggestions as to what to delete and what to leave alone?


Thank you for your help.  This is a valuable forum (though, to your credit, I have not needed to request your help before)



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sadly Sherri it's a little hard, and potential dangerous, to suggest what you delete or don't delete without knowing a lot more about your PC and its use.

by the PCs (Personal Computer) very nature, that area is simply too subjective.


but as you have been doing for years, that is blindly running CC with no ill effects, you've found no problems, just something you'd rather not have included.

the thing with automatic deleting (via CC) or manual deletion (via you) is it should all be covered by that regular backup you are always doing - aren't you Sherri? - you know, that weekly backup of all your important, personal files that you do !!!? :)

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