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Uuuuuh is this normal ?


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So ive recently been trying to solve my MEMORY_MANAGMENT_ERROR problem, so i began removing my RAM sticks right ? So when i do this, and cut the computer back on CCleaner says i have a possible 26.6 GB's that can be restored by the cleaner ! So i cleaned it,then i removed the other RAM stick, ran the cleaner, and got about another 30 GB back , Is this normal ? was their something wrong with my RAM ?


If you look at the image System Error Reporting had 24,581,049 KB cleaned, like thats pretty ridiculous lol 

the recycling bin had about 1,360,728 KB that had to be cleaned, so on and so forth.


I find this odd because with the RAM i had installed when i ran the cleaner it never ever cleaned up this much, but when i take it out im saving 26 and 30 GB ? somethings has to be up 


Anyways im just wondering if the RAM was the root of my problem, this may be the wrong forum to post this problem in, but its worth a try you know? for those that took the  time out to help troubleshoot this thanks alot ^.^


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Computers should not have 20+GB of error logs so you are probably correct that you have a physical memory problem.  If removing and reseating the DRAM strips didn't fix the problem, you probably have a defective chip.  That is the bad news, but the good news is that most DRAM is guaranteed for life and the manufacturers will swap it out.  Run the Microsoft Memory Diagnostic Tool to determine this for sure.  The tool can be downloaded from Microsoft, and it comes bundled with Win 10.  If you have Win 10, press the Windows key and R, type MDSCHED into the dialog box, and press enter.  The program will want to reboot your system and it may run for a long time but if you have bad DRAM it will find it.


Bad DRAM is not unusual, I have had to swap memory on two different computers in recent memory and in both cases I bought a well-known and respected brand.  Just figure out what is bad and send it back for exchange; the manufacturers are used to it.  Just make sure you check the manufacturer's web site so that you get the right authorization form and mailing address.

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Dude thanks so much for responding haha !


Is DRAM the same as RAM ? im a little slow on the computer jargon, but yes i prolly have a defective chip is what it looks like, so i ordered some new ram to see if that was the problem, since reseating my current RAM didnt help the BSOD issue, or the memory leak issue, i really hope this is the root cause of the problem because when i try to run the memory diagnostics my comp crashes, so my fingers are crossed at the moment lol

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