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Stuck on Stage 1 of 3 at 100%


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Hi all, 


I've trying to use Recuva to bring back some files that were deleted by the Windows 10 upgrade process (and weren't backed up, silly me). I'm doing a deep scan looking for photos (other things have been lost but the photos are what I want back) and it has got to this point:




It is now just hanging there not doing anything. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong?


Any advice to get past this point would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.

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Have you checked that your photos aren't still available in the Windows.old folder?




Hi, no they're not unfortunately. What happened with the update was I installed Windows 10 (coming from 7) and all seemed to be fine, all my old photos etc were in one of the C\Users\#####\Pictures folders so I duly copied them in to the new "Pictures" folders in Windows 10. No problem.


Then a day or two later I turned the computer on again, it seemed like it was going through some of the ugprade process again or maybe installing a large update to W10 and I got the "All your files are where you left them" message again, but when I went to check everything was gone. I had another look in Windows.old, all the Users directories, tried "Previous Versions" and everything like that but it had no record of it. This thread here seems to discuss the same problem:




I spoke to Microsoft and they could offer no help, so as far as I can see data recovery is my last chance to get anything back. 

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I didn't actually, I might give that a go later when I get home in Recuva is still hanging. 


It's horrible but ultimately this is why things should always be backed up. I'm usually quite good with that but this computer is mostly used by my girlfriend so I'm not in the habit of backing it up.

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I always cancel once it's passed Stage 1 with no ill effect, so that might be worth a try seeing as it says Stage 1 100%. Recuva will still show what its already found. With 6 million files you are going to have a mighty task to sort that lot out.

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