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Manual closing with auto command


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I'm using Windows XP Home version OS.


If the /auto command line option is used, the tray program
icon must be closed manually after cleaning.

I've set the disable monitoring from this page too.

You are forcing me to use v4.17.0.4808 because I don't care
to take the time to close the app after running it every time.
(when the /auto should do this but doesn't anymore)


Thank you.


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Hi Henely,


I have been trying to reproduce this on my own system, but have not been able to. These are the steps I took:


1. (Fresh install of Windows XP Professional SP3) Install CCleaner Free and leave settings as default

2. Open CCleaner > Options > Monitoring > Disable "Enable System Monitoring" and "Enable Active Monitoring"

3. Close CCleaner

4. Open command prompt and move to the installation directory.

5. Use - ccleaner.exe /auto

6. In the tray, I can see the CCleaner icon, the animated brush starts flashing, then the CCleaner logo leaves the tray.

[ I have also tested with the "Minimize to System Tray" enabled]



Could you please compare these steps to yours and let me know if there is anything different? Have you changed any of the cleaning settings from default? Added any Includes or Excludes?

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I decided to try it one more time, and it still did it.
However, I fixed it, and below is how.

I found out that when installing, it used the last
ccleaner.ini file and added nothing to it. (I had always
checked the 'use ini file' box. I looked at both ini's after
I deleted the original and it created a fresh one, and the
following lines were not in the original one that it had
been using:

UpdateKey=10/06/2014 06:23:31 AM
(App)Custom Folders=True

After adding them at the top of my original ini file,
it now works fine again. :)


I had to use the bottom part of my original ini because I had

about 80 custom files folders for cleaning.

Thanks for your help.

ps - I would like to add, these files were always in
the original install dir and not need now evidently.


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A few people have posted on the forums since v4.18 was initially released about setting those to 0, so that CCleaner will not enable the tray icon.


Make sure you're using the newest version of CCleaner v4.18.4844 by downloading it from Piriform (to insure you actually have the newest version) which is supposed to fix the monitoring.

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I experienced the exact same problem with CCleaner 4.18.4844; after cleaning with /AUTO the tray icon would stay visible and I had to manually exit the application.


As per instructions Heleny posted, I first enabled save settings to INI file and added all above mentioned entries to the bottom of my INI file, and auto close was suddenly working again. But because most settings were now double listed in my INI file, I started comparing them.

The only option that was not in my original file was:       CheckTrialOffer=0

Edited the INI file to only leave this newly added setting, and auto close works! So this particular option seems to have been the problem for me.


Note: I had upgraded to the old 4.18 build, prior to upgrading to build 4844.

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As per instructions Heleny posted, I first enabled save settings to INI file and added all above mentioned entries to the bottom of my INI file...


The only thing needed from those posted settings were these:

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The only thing needed from those posted settings were these:




These monitoring settings were already part of my INI file, but CCleaner would not close when running with /AUTO.

Only after adding "CheckTrialOffer=0" this would work properly again (although I do not even know what this setting actually does).


So it seems to me this is a bug in CCleaner caused by upgrading from 4.18 old build to the current 4.18.4844 build.

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