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Odd new cookie handling behavior


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Win 8.1Pro x64 with all current updates.  Palemoon 24.7.2 x86.


I use a limited user (non Admin) account for all my internet browsing.  Starting with the new CCleaner 4.18.4844 I am not able to save selected cookies.  I'll go to a forum site login and get the cookie, quit Palemoon and start CCleaner and "analyze" .  Go to options/cookies, select that cookie and move it to the "keep" side and then run CCleaner.  It erases the cookie I just moved to the "keep" side.


I did go into my admin account and visited some of the same sites for the cookies and "kept" them and CCleaner appeared to work correctly did not erase them.  These cookies also showed up when I returned to my regular, limited user account.


Where I used to have a seperate/different list of kept cookies for each of the admin and user accounts they now both appear to have the same list of cookies as if the limited user's disappeared and it's working off of the admin's cookies.


Is anybody else seeing this behavior?  Any suggestions?

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Yes, I always use my non-admin account for surfing the web and playing games. And I keep selecting cookies to keep but they are never saved. This wasn't an issue in older versions of the program and I am disappointed that it is now. I haven't tried logging in to my Windows Admin account to see if selected cookies will be saved then. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, Phartz and Sheri3nd


I too have this issue, with Win7-U and CC 4.19.4867(x64).


I do 'get' the annoyance of this bug:  you can't add to the Cookies to Keep - not for keeps, at least - and you don't want to have to revisit the sites using the Admin account.  Additionally, running CC as administrator doesn't then find the cookie stores, so there's nothing to select.


The solution for now (I.e. until a later version of CC corrects or re-works this) is to check and correct the security properties of the file to which the list is saved. I have always used CC with the "Save all settings to INI file" ticked, so I examined the properties > Security (tab) of the ccleaner.ini file in the C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ folder and found that the Users group did not have any write access to the file.  I just added "Write" access for that group et voila!  End of problem. 


Give it a go, guys - I'd imagine this'll work fine for your Win8.1 platform too, although you may have to change to using a .ini file to store settings (maybe with CC 'run as administrator' or from an administrator account), as I haven't seen how the settings are stored when not using one.


Best of luck - report back success or otherwise for anyone who may be tearing their hair out in frustration.

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Actually, (i know it's bad form to reply to one's own post, but...) it's occurred to me that this whole thing may be an issue ONLY to those using the .ini file settings option in CCleaner.  That might explain the previous lack of replies to this thread and how it might have slipped through Piriform's testing prior to release.

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