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Cannot run CCleaner

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I've tried reinstalling in both safe mode with admin access. 
I tried downloading the portable version to run it and nothing.
I've searched these forums for a bit then finally decided to make an account and just ask.
I ran it in debug mode and these were the results.


[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] CCleaner v4.13.4693
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] MS Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core QL-60
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] 3.0GB RAM
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] Username: lshwn98
[17:07:12::541][iNFO ] Application Started
[17:07:12::541][ERROR] Error loading branding.dll - 0x490: Element not found.
Edit: I've also run Malwarebytes and avast! Antivirus, after that i ran TuneUp utilities.
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