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Registry Cleaner - wiped out two programs from Techsmith


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I use SnagIt and Camtasia Studio - both were wiped out by Registry Cleaner.  I had to reinstall both to get them to work.  Why might this have happened and how can I avoid it happening with other valid installed programs in the future.

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. . . how can I avoid it happening with other valid installed programs in the future.

Unfortunately a few users may have an issue with the registry cleaner, but until now I've not read of it "wiping out" programs.


Prior to removing unwanted registry items you were prompted to backup.

If anything doesn't operate properly after registry cleaning, simply right-click the backup(s) and merge.





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It would probably be smart to input a registry exclusion of TechSmith to prevent this ever happening again. There's two sets of instructions located here:

Edited by Andavari
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