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Can someone decrypt or whatever this info?


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It's funny you used the word "decrypt" in your title, because that is what encrypted files look like when viewed with Notepad: http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-57449365-285/how-to-encrypt-selected-text-and-entire-text-files-with-notepad/


I find it odd that you have encrypted files on your machine and lack the means to decrypt them. Unless of course the files came from someone else's machine, in which case I decline to offer any help whatsoever. 

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It's actually what a lot of files look like when you open them in notepad.


Here's a picture of a PNG file in notepad++




it's quite likely that the recovered files were partially overwritten and subsequently corrupted, and this is the result of opening the corrupted files.

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It's actually what a lot of files look like when you open them in notepad.


Here's a picture of a PNG file in notepad++




it's quite likely that the recovered files were partially overwritten and subsequently corrupted, and this is the result of opening the corrupted files.


Winapp2, I could be entirely wrong about this file. And if that is the case, I apologize to hollowandi for jumping to the wrong conclusion. But there are two things that stand out in the example you provided. First, the header at the top identifies your file as a .png file. Second, there are items that are repeated in the file itself, such as NUL, ACK, SUB, ETX, ESC and so on that indicate it is a file with structure and patterns. If you look closely at hollowandi's file it appears to be entirely random, which some forms of encryption are deliberately designed to do. And there is no apparent header on the file, telling me it has either been removed, or corrupted along with the rest of the contents, or encrypted along with the rest of the contents. In any case, if it is indeed an encrypted file, and he was not the person who encrypted it, I don't think there is anyone on this forum who can be of any help.

Start every day with a smile and get it over with. - W.C. Fields

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What sort of files were they? If they were pictures, for some reason they're being opened as text. If they were text, looks like they were corrupted


I'm waiting for the answer to that question too. 

In any case, that is a big file, takes 1 or 2 minutes to open the page on my very slow net connection.

I question the wisdom of linking to it, but thats just me, don't know enough about it. 

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Sorry for that, I wasn't able to access my computer due to exams. The file was a text file. It contained LUA coding lines. The type was .map due to the fact that the game the file accessed and modified uses the .map text file to know if it's a map file.
I'm sorry if I might have used the wrong word, the file was -not- encrypted or anything before. The file is about 300kb.
I figured that since it's a text file, maybe someone can recover some info from it.

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The .map I'm trying to open isn't a quake file, it's a Multi Theft Auto file. This certain .map file is a text file, as I already specified. The information inside it is scrambled, as you can see in the pastebin.I need to know if it's possible to unscramble that information. Here's what the info in another map file looks like, maybe it helps.. http://puu.sh/5MuiR.txt

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You must've looked just at the top of that page I linked you to, as there are 9 different versions of .MAP files shown on that page all with different suggested software for opening (and possibly editing) those different versions.


The point is, it's more than likely that only the program which created the .MAP file would be able to make any sense of it, meaning it's unlikely you'll find anything to "decrypt" it, and if that second file you've linked to is also a "Multi Theft Auto" file, then I'd guess the first one may be corrupt.


I could be wrong of course, but if the 9 variations of .MAP files shown in that page I linked you to all have programs which can open them, maybe try googling for a program capable of opening a "Multi Theft Auto" .MAP file.

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Did I honestly not explain this well enough? The file -is- corrupt and I'm asking if it's possible to recover any data from it.


Frankly no, you didn't, and if you had it would have saved some time.


You never mentioned the word corrupt in any of your posts. The nearest you came to that was to say it was scrambled and could it be unscrambled. Scrambled could mean encrypted in some way.


If you'd said in your first post that the file is corrupt I'm pretty sure you would have quickly received the answer ... no. What you can see in your paste is about all you're going to get.

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..."Did I honestly not explain this well enough?" 


Nope.  Consider the title:  "Can someone decrypt or whatever this info?" 

But Winapp2.ini answered it for you anyway in post 4.  And DennisD did again in post 8. 


The real question you want answered is "Is it possible to make this file useable again?" 

Answer:  Recuva got back what is left of the file, thats all Recuva does. 


You said "It's very very important." 

If that is so, use google to help you find professional data recovery services which have the capability to reconstruct files from bits and parts that most affordable applications can not even see. 


That's expensive.  If you are going to do that, stop using whatever device contains the file so you don't overwrite it any further. 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Did I honestly not explain this well enough? The file -is- corrupt and I'm asking if it's possible to recover any data from it.

classic how to bite the hand that feeds you. :blink:


have you tried getting in touch with the game developers - a support site, forum or something.

since the file seems to be very specific to that game, they would be your best shot.

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