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Temps, Logs, and variables?


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(1) Can ccleaner either using the include custom folders or the ccleaner.ini Includexxx=Path| (Variable) |*.*|RECURSE

Can it Clean using variables, where you do not know the complete path... You just know its a folder named XYZ somewhere on the drive?

It could be anywhere....

Use case senario: I have a file server that has user profiles... and etc... The thing is over the years, people made copies of their profiles and stuck them in unknown directories all over the place.. and I mean all over the place, could be named copy, could be named new folder, could be named top secret...goes on and on, and hundreds of folders deep....

So without knowing the complete directory structure, path, or tree.

Is there a way to just clean any directory named |"<\Temp\>"

no matter where it resides? ^\Temp ~\Temp %\Temp\% \Temp\*.*


I did a search -- But the search takes forever and bombs out... File server has several Terabytes of data...

And Tons and Tons of temps, hidden in stupid locations all over the place...



(2) Are all Temp and Log directories created equal? I mean are there any ones that you should NOT Clean?

and if you do bad things happen?

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1 yes, but it's a little dangerous because you're likely to also get folders with name including words such as template and temperature, so i'd advise against it.

2. In order: No not really. Probably. It could happen (though unlikely it is possible)




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


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In my example, I ran dir /s /ad |findstr "\<Temp\>" from command line...

This reported directores with Temp, didn't show Template, or Temprary files,,, That why I made it "\<Temp\>"



Can you give me an example of how you could do this in CCleaner custom files or via the ccleaner.ini


How can you configure variables, expressions, and etc in Includexxx=Path

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Can it Clean using variables

You can create your own WinApp2.ini file with variables.

This topic will give you a lot of information and guidance if you want more indormation



That topic starts a link for downloading the latest semi-official WinApp2.ini file, which includes variables in lines such as

FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Acoustica CD Label Maker\thumbs|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey2=%AppData%\Acoustica\CD Label Maker\cache|*.*|RECURSE


Alternatively, if you use the portable version of CCleaner,

or else with the installed version and using the Options / Advanced / "Save all Settings to INI file" option,

you will have a file CCleaner.ini that you can manually edit with Notepad.exe and insert lines with a variable such as :-

Include1=PATH|%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\|*.*|RECURSE
Include2=PATH|%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\|*.*|RECURSE


I suggest that you take extreme care to NOT click "Run Cleaner" until you have first used "Analyze",

and then use the "Save to text file" option,

and then inspect the output and determine which people will be annoyed, and whether they will have mercy on your soul :)


And finally, before you "Run Cleaner", make sure your resume is fully up to date and ready for your next job search :(

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In your example "Include1=PATH|%APPDATA%\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache\|*.*|RECURSE"


It is using the environment variable APPDATA then path adobe \ flash\ AssetCache\ etc....


What I am asking is does ccleaner use variables in its app... not using the variables in windows environmental settings.


The next is using the ccleaner application variable or custom winapp2.ini or ccleaner.ini to "Include1=PATH|{{ANY TEMP FOLDER}}


THE ANY TEMP FOLDER would be the custom variable that you place on the drive.... I just don't know how to do it, and if it allows.


So if I said scan "Include1=PATH|{{ANY TEMP FOLDER}} |*.*|RECURSE"


It would find the Temp folder in location c:\someuser\downloads\saved\custom\whoknows\why\]whenwillwe\okaylets\TEMP\*.*


In the above made up example, I wouldnt know where that temp directory was without a lot of searching... and there are ton of these TEMP folders without knowing its full directory PATH...

So I am asking if ccleaner allows something that says scan for all %TEMP FOLDERS% and recursively delete all files within... No matter where they are located on the drive...


Hope that further describes my question.


Also what .logs or Temps should not be removed.

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You can create a *.BAT script which contains something like

SET "ANY TEMP FOLDER=c:\someuser\downloads\saved\custom\whoknows\why\]whenwillwe\okaylets\TEMP\*.*"

That will run CCleaner with a new temporary and unique set of "variables in windows environmental settings",

which will include whatever you define as being the variable %ANY TEMP FOLDER%,

and this variable can be used by Winapp2.ini or CCleaner.ini.


You should not remove logs or temps which would annoy those who can now or in the future cause harm to your career :rolleyes:


I really think it might be safer, and simpler, and release a lot more space on the server system,

if you render inaccessible to everyone but yourself any drive\partition\folder for which you can see no legitimate authorised purpose.

When this causes a problem the particular region can be re-enabled.

After this has stabilised you could ensure you have backups of all that appears to be safe to remove,

and then remove from the servers - and should that go wrong you locate the relevant backup and restore.

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in your example you still have to set the path == what I am say, is it would be hard work to list all the possible paths..

I get what you are saying on avoiding removing some temps and logs.


But in the use case, say its a Temporary Internet folder... yet you still don't know all the paths or directoris.

so aside from do a dir then findstr with the exact perimeters then sending to a file.


I was thinking of using possible the for /F and do del /f or rmdir /f

But what I am uncertain is, if it scans through every directory.

havenbt research the possibity of add the "\<Temporary\>" to the (......) entry or even add a txt file with a list of possible paths.




or *Temporary*




for /F "delims=" %i in (dir /s /ad |findstr "\<Temporary\>") do del /f %I

for /F "delims=" %i in (dir /s /ad |findstr "\<Temporary\>") do rmdir /s /q %I


or via file

for /F "delims=" %i in (path to include.txt) do del /f %I


I am not at the location to give this a test.. but though I would write it down for discussion and though


The question is can ccleaner do something like this within its interface, or possibly add a vbscript or powershell that does the muscle, then it just cleans the directories that was found.


IDK... Just a though....

Hoping to advance the product and take care of some issues too. : )

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Piriform aim for user safety and it is unlikely that they would implement a system wide "search and destroy" on the User product.


You could always ask for a special professional licence paying version.


Otherwise I think you can use Batch scripts using "for /F "delims=" %i in ..." etc to directly delete without involving CCleaner

or vbscript or powershell scripts to achieve the same.

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