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Registry: "Fix Selected Issues" is Dimmed Out


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Thank you for both of your replies.


Yes, I do click on the 'scan for issues' button first and I have not mistakenly unchecked the issues found.


An acquantaince of mine asked me to right click on the Ccleaner icon and then choose, "Run as Administrator." When I do this a box comes up with "Current user" selected and a check mark in the "Protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity."


If I then deselect these items and instead select "The following user" my first name is indicated in the drop down arrow box. I am then asked to enter a password but I have no idea of what that password is.


I appreciate your time in responding.


Thank you again.

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I think you are on the right track

My hunch is that you are already running from the "administrator" account and not a "user" or "guest" account

also you may have never set up a password

try just hitting enter and see what happens

gp to control panel, user accounts (varies with os) and check out passwords

I'd also suggest setting up and only surfing the web from a "user" account

bad stuff cannot make changes to your os that require administrator priveledges if you do this (without your permission)

what other security software are your running?

have you tweeked IE setttings?

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