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Folders and files left after uninstalling programs


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Hi all,


Sorry if it's already mentioned in this forum. I noticed that after uninstalling some programms, there are still some folders and files in AppData and other places left. For example, I uninstall firefox, but some folders still exist and I have to delete them manually. So it would be nice if CCleaner would analyze the system and find such unused files and folders and delete them :)

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Good suggestion, however CCleaner only runs the built-in uninstaller that's included with the program you're removing.


Afraid even the likes of tools solely dedicated for uninstalling like Revo Uninstaller, etc., still cannot always get rid of all left over files/folders.

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It's not somewhere I would like to see CC heading.

This 'feature' of leaving folder/files behind goes way back, and can't be put at the feet of Microsoft.

It's simply lazy programmers not cleaning up their tracks.

Plus, some software, for reasons they, themselves, know best, like to leave things behind in case you ever reinstall, there will be user settings and history and the such to pick up on.


For me, this would go against the softly-softly approach of CC, of course that doesn't explain the new File Finder feature, so what would I know... :huh:

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