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Restoring a system registry backup so I can use system restore again


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What happens/fails when you attempt to use system restore ?


What created the backup registry, and when ?


What operations did you perform :-

Cleaner \ Run Cleaner ?

Registry \ Fix selected Issues ?

Tools \ System Restore ?

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My problem began yesterday morning when I got a blue screen with a message that avgtpx86.sys was an issue. I followed avg instructions to uninstall avg, delete some files and then reinstall avg. After this my outlook .pst files were gone. My email was working fine before I uninstalled avg. My IT guy said that I needed to use ccleaner so I followed his phone instructions, I analysed and then clicked on Run Cleaner. I can't remember doing a backup but I do have a .reg file that was created yesterday so I am assuming that a backup was created. I now want to restore my system to a few days ago to hopefully get my emails back but every time I pick a restore point it says that Restoration Incomplete - No changes have been made to your computer. I thought that if I was able to undo what ccleaner had done then maybe I might be able to use the System Restore function.

I think I may have used the Fix selected issues but I am not sure as the IT fellow was moving quite quickly.

I have Windows XP and Outlook 2003.

My emails are essential to me and unfortunately the backup system I was using for my emails was never being done! So I don't have a backup use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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sysrestore only restores system back, it does not bring files (PST)back.

it sounds like you are recovering from some sort of malware, is this the case? If so let us know, and stop reading, this post for now.


when you cleaned the registry with ccleaner did you just clean everything it brought up?

if you'd like, rename the reg file .txt instead of .reg and attach them so we can see if help a little better




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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agree with Nergal, check out the malware state of your pc first.


if it was mine, first thing i'd be doing is finding my PST file and securing that away, especially as you have no backup of it.


since you are Outlook 2003 on XP, you should find your outlook.pst and archive.pst here;

C:\Documents & Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook


start the pc in Safe Mode and copy any files in that folder with a PST extension over to a BAK extension or just copy them to a USB stick.

sounds like you use Outlook a lot, so you'll know you're in the right place if the file size and last modified dates are in the expected ball park.


Microsoft supplies a free PST repair tool called SCANPST which you should find here;

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033 or

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMapi\1033


Run the program, get it to scan your PST files, you should then have some reliable PST files, which if you have another PC, you can open up the PST files on that and get you going until you get the main PC sorted.

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My IT guy said that I needed to use ccleaner so I followed his phone instructions.

Do you have absolutely solid reasons from trusting him,

or did you search on the Internet for some one offering support.

or even worse,

did your relationship commence with a phone call from someone claiming that Microsoft knew your computer had problems,

and he was phoning to show you the problems and how to fix them ?


Please note that if your P.C. is infected then your USB stick may also be infected and could infect any other computers it touches.


Please note that malware can arrive via Outlook,

and could be resurrected when you find and access your PST files.

It is not evident to me whether SCANPST is safe to use on a PST file that is infected,

and I am not going to burden my computer with Silverlight in order to view the video at



If you are still reading this topic I strongly recommend that you get expert advice on malware removal,

and tell the expert that you wish to safely access your emails.

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