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CCleaner corrupted data after burning data to DVD


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I have had a similar problem as this post.




I burnt data to a DVD using Windows 7 built in data burning program.

I dragged and dropped the files to the DVD image burning temporary directory, where they were shown as shortcuts.

I burnt 2 DVD's with this data.

I then right click highlighted and deleted these shortcuts from the DVD image temporary directory.

So these shortcuts, moved to the Recycle Bin.

upon running CCleaner, it corrupted the data these shortcuts pointed too, rather than just deleting the shortcuts.


I'm an advanced user and have backups, but this data corruption did surprise me.


It appears deleting the shortcuts in the temporary DVD burn directory in this fashion, causes the shortcuts to appear somehow as the actual data to CCleaner.


I cannot say whether this is a Windows 7 problem, in that some special type of shortcut is being created which fools CCleaner into thinking its not a shortcut but the actual data. Or if CCleaner is to blame.


This issue does exist and you can reproduce it using a similar process.


Never had any issue with CCleaner till now. I highly recommend it to all my clients.

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For the record. Im on a Windows 7 x64 i5 laptop. CCleaner V 3.16.1689 x64


Even if this is some 'black hole" as previously suggest caused by "secure file deletion" which I have enabled, it is undesirable for this to occur. It should only secure file delete the shortcut, and not touch the original data.

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That problem can happen in older Windows OSes too with built-in burning support rather using CCleaner or not, well at least from what I've seen. That's why I don't use Windows built-in burning support and instead use a dedicated burning software.

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I dragged and dropped the files to the DVD image burning temporary directory, where they were shown as short-cuts.

How and WHY did SHORTCUTS happen ?


I can only get that result with normal or temporary folders if I select then drag and BEFORE AND DURING DROP I choose to hold down the ALT key.


Did you choose to perform this extra complication or is this something special that Windows imposes with "the DVD image burning temporary directory"


Were they really short-cuts,

or were they reparse points as was the case in the problem that you cited ?


Perhaps Windows broke its own rules and when it created these reparse points "on the fly" it FAILED to impose appropriate ACL Protection as stipulated by


NOTE: Microsoft recommends that you follow these recommendations closely when you use junction points:
  • Use NTFS ACLs to protect junction points from inadvertent deletion.
  • Use NTFS ACLs to protect files and directories that are targeted by junction points from inadvertent deletion or other file system operations.
  • Never delete a junction point by using Explorer, a del /s command, or other file system utilities that walk recursively into directory trees. These utilities affect the target directory and all subdirectories.
  • Use caution when you apply ACLs or change file compression in a directory tree that includes NTFS junction points.
  • Do not create namespace cycles with NTFS or DFS junction points.
  • Put all your junction points in a secure location in a namespace where you can test them out in safety, and where other users will not mistakenly delete them or walk through them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did not hold down alt key. I just dragged and dropped to the windows built in dvd burning temp directory.


The files are shown with the standard shortcut icon when dragged and dropped to the Temporary Burn Directory, no idea if they are set as reparse points or not, I just dragged and dropped, burned the files, ran CCleaner afterwards at some point, all the original files which had been dragged and dropped to the temp directory ended up corrupted.


As I said, whatever the reason behind this, it is undesirable behavior, whether the fault of the Windows built in burning software or CCleaner, this does happen and was extremely annoying to say the least. Had to use my burned dvd to restore the files back to my computer.


Seems a bit of a cop out to suggest installing and using third party burning software or to post technical programming details, which the average CCleaner user likely has no understanding of. I don't care about the technical, behind the scenes reason why this happens, it just should not happen.


People do use the built in burning software and it works fine. People use secure deletion in CCleaner. This result was completely unexpected and undesirable in this situation.


If this is your official response to this issue, to blame the user, tell them they "complicated" the process and disregard the issue with technical run around, I may reconsider recommending CCleaner in the future.

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None of us here work for Piriform, we ain't developers, just "normal" CCleaner/Piriform users, like yourself. Only a few devs on these forums and they post rarely. And they usually need alot of info/specs to fix a certain bug (if it is recognized as a bug).

Btw your CCleaner version was released about a year ago, you should consider updating.

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People use secure deletion in CCleaner. This result was completely unexpected and undesirable in this situation.


If this is your official response to this issue, to blame the user, tell them they "complicated" the process and disregard the issue with technical run around, I may reconsider recommending CCleaner in the future.

Unfortunately Computers excel at the completely unexpected and undesirable whenever they get the opportunity. :(


I have no official status - I am just a private user with many decades of pain inflicted by DOS and Windows.


I did NOT blame the user - I asked questions.

I did NOT say that you complicated the process - I asked whether the apparent complication was by your choice or a consequence of the default operation of your DVD burning software.


I suggest that whether you recommend CCleaner or some other product, you should not recommend Secure deletion.

I remember that some years ago there was an incident where a user had done some sort of Windows Repair operation which resulted in C:\Windows becoming C:\Windows.old,

and when it was all working well he chose to Secure Delete Windows.old


Whereas a Normal Delete of Windows.old should only delete the actual contents of that folder,

The ACL's of reparse points within that folder were such that the Secure Deletion went through to the destination and his music files that were NOT inside C:\Windows.old were destroyed.


A normal deletion would NOT have deleted those files,

and even if those files had been deleted there would have been a high probability the RECUVA would have restored them.

Secure Deletion not only penetrated through what should have been a Read Only Reparse Point - it also destroyed any hope of Recovery by RECUVA.


Regardless of whether you or your user is running CCleaner or some other tool,

Secure Deletion has the ability to go further than you expect and wreak devastation that can only be recovered from by an adequate backup regime.




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