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Cleaner removes my passwords


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I usually save passwords like for FB, forums, etc. When I run Ccleaner all my saved passwords dissapear. How do I change the settings in Cleaner so it would lieave my PW intact?



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Thanks for your response.


I usually close everything and then run the cleaner. When I unckecked the applications suggested, and did run the cleaner as usual, the PW still got erased.


I tried different things and this is what I found out:

If I run the cleaner, but don't close the browser, the PW's don't get erased.

If I close the browser, but don't run the cleaner, the PW's don't get erased

But, if I close the browser and run the cleaner, the passwords get erased.


Does that mean that I have to leave the browser open in order for the Cleaner not to erase my PW's?

I am still trying to figure this out


I use Windows XP and IE 8.



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This is what I ended up doing:

First I went to Tools/Options in Explorer and activated the Autocomplete option.

I said yes when Prompted to save PW at sign in.

I unchecked the items as Kroozer suggested from the Windows and Applications panes in Cleaner

I didn't really want to uncheck all the cookies, so I went to Options/Cookes and Opted to keep all the cookes for the sites for which I use a PW. This seems to have taken care of the problem,


I run cleanner and did not close the browser. I close the browser and did not run the cleaner. I closed the browser and run the cleaner. Neither of these actions erased my saved PW.s. At least for now. Corss my fingers on that.


Thanks so much Kroozer,Alan, Nodles, and Dennis for your help....

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