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Group Web Browsers

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I have long wished I could group my web browsers together, because it just seems more logical (to me) to have 3 tabs, not 2.



Applications - All 3rd party apps.

Internet - All web browsers.

Windows - All Windows locations.



As it works now, it is not bad, per say, but I have to visit Windows tab for Internet Explorer, then Applications tab for Firefox/Opera/Chrome, etc.


This gets a little confusing when you are testing a considerable number of browsers.


Would really love a way to separate the web browsers from all the other applications in the group, since they are the biggest source of internet trash & it would be awesome to be able to see all of the internet browsers in 1 tab instead of having to switch between tabs just to change settings on a different browser.





Also, thanks for the new CCleaner 3.16 that includes Scheduled Tasks management. I have long had to use another program or two, because CCleaner did not support IE BHO startup, nor scheduled tasks startup items. And now, it does! It finally feels complete! I can drop a few programs now, & just use CCleaner! Yay! :)

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