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Temporarily ignore "Exclude" list

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Sometimes I want to defrag files that are in my Exclude list (e.g. caches, %TEMP%, applications that get updated often). Currently, I do this by renaming the unwanted filters, defrag, and then restore the filters.


Could I request the option of switching off the Exclude list temporarily? Or the ability to "force defrag" a highlighted file, even if it's in the Exclude list?



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I had just typed a very similar suggestion into my suggestions-file and was going to post this myself.


Yes, please add some sort of (sounds weird) exception-to-the-exclusions ability


Here is how I had typed my suggestion request (and screen snapped an example):


I have created a general exclusion of *.png and *.jpg, as most of the time I really don't care if those files are fragmented a bit or not. As well as some other exclusions.

However, there are some occasions when I wish to defrag a few, or a folder of excluded files.

What I would like is to be able to select those files in the normal FileList view, highlight or checkmark them and just click the Defrag button to get them defragmented.


Currently, with them in my exclusion list, Defraggler just --unhelpfully-- tells me: "All selected files have been excluded from the defragmentation." (which I already know I have them in the list, but I really DO want to defrag them this time... ;) )


So some kind of Force-Defrag or Defrag-Anyway-even-though-they-are-in-my-exclude-list button feature would be SUPER!




[ Defragler 2.07.346 / Windows XP Pro SP3 ]


The Universe is intelligent and friendly 8-)

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Sounds like a nice idea.


Until it gets implemented, perhaps you can create a second copy of Defraggler, then, after you have it set to defrag excludes & all, create a shortcut to it in the same location as your other Defraggler icon, but name it Defrag Excludes.


This way, you can do it both ways without having to rename things.

Am I correct?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting thought.


But I think, in order for this to work, having a second copy with nothing excluded, it would need to be set up with a separate folder, and installed there with the settings saved into the app folder. Options/Advanced/Save all settings to ini file.


Because otherwise, I am thinking that the last saved settings would just overwrite the previous settings in the system registry.

So that Save all settings to ini file would be needed, then of course, needs its own folder, so it doesn't overwrite the other ini.


I'll experiment with this.




Yes, will need its own folder, because regardless of how I rename the second copy of defraggler, it writes settings to Defraggler.ini in the folder the app is in.




One of the downsides:

Having a separate folder with the Save to ini file, disables all settings of my original copy of Defraggler.

Losing the original Excludes, which were moved into an ini file. Perhaps they got lost in my initial testing.

Oh well, not disastrous..

And this dual arrangement seems to remove the context menu entry completely from Windows Explorer (the option is grayed out on the second copy with its own ini, and empty on the original copy) and with neither running, there is no more Windows Explorer context entry for Defraggler.


So maybe not as good as I had hoped.

still, was a clever thought.

The Universe is intelligent and friendly 8-)

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