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winapp2.ini updates?


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I've noticed that the official winapp2.ini that is stuck at the top of the section here hasn't been updated in quite awhile, but after doing a bit of searching I see some unofficial addons to it posted by other users.


Is there a more recent main one with all the newer programs included?


For example, I see Winapp2.ini (user) has some updates posted here. But, I don't have any of the software listed there, so I don't really need to add it.


Another thing I've noticed is that winapp2.ini still has applications in it that I have uninstalled or were removed. I'm assuming that's because the registry key for the software is still there?


I'm also using Windows 7 Ultimate x86 and I'm wondering if some of the listed items under "Windows" under the applications tab is still valid for me or not.


It would be great if anyone who has some modified or alternate editions of winapp2.ini could join them together and put them up on pastebin.com or somewhere. They could also zip them up and put them on Mediafire, a free downloading site with no nag screens or throttling since apparently the sticky mentioned it was taking up a lot of Piriform's bandwidth to download it.


Any thoughts/suggestions/comments are welcome.


Thanks in advance,


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Another thing I've noticed is that winapp2.ini still has applications in it that I have uninstalled or were removed. I'm assuming that's because the registry key for the software is still there?


If something in winapp2.ini is still displaying in the Cleaner section of CCleaner it could be because of something left either in the registry or a path on your hard disk -- detection can work via the registry, and from a file on the physical disk. Then again it could be something using "generic" detection of an always present file such as Explorer.exe, or always present registry key.


Then again if your saying the winapp2.ini still has cleaners listed in it for software you've removed that would be understandable since CCleaner just reads the file but doesn't actually update/modify it -- that has to be done manually in say Notepad.

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Updates? From ME? I guess I could start up a twitter page..


back on topic: I made this thread -> http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=29009 <- for specific program requesting, but also for other user input. Sort of an unofficial unofficial thread haha.


It doesn't seem to be getting a lot of attention though, hopefully the entries there have helped someone :P.

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