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Cleaning MS Installer

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Hello Happy TaxPayers…


Please, could you consider cleaning the MS Installer?


Maybe I could take an example:

- I have installed/modified a software for which I have no CD (pre-installed Word, or HP auto-downloadable software).

- During the installation, something goes wrong and I cannot correct the problem (with Word, I do not have the CD because it is stored on an hidden partition, or for HP the requested file is not present).

- I cancel the installation.

+ BUG : When I start applications, the installer is restarted and requesting the same files!


I have no way to cancel it!


Thanks for Ccleaner (excellent), Defraggler (rather good) and Speecy (not equal to Aida, but free :rolleyes: ).

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Mmmmm.... if I am not wrong, Andavari once mentioned that this can do harm as well. But I will say yes as long as it is safe but should rather be unchecked by default.

I love computer maintenance tasks.

Some of my favorite programs:

Wordpad -basic word processing

Notepad - temporary clipboard and basic scripting module

Windows Media Player 12- video, music and online radio player

Windows Media Center - live TV, local FM radio

CCleaner- handy computer maintenance tool


If something fails to work after using the registry cleaner, use SYSTEM RESTORE.

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That'd be a tool, I think.

It's really useful when an uninstall or install goes wrong (like Office 2010's Technical Preview).

Piriform French translator

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