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Clear in notepad++


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Possible too clear this in the "C:\Program\Notepad++\Config.xml" with CCleaner?


<FindHistory nbMaxFindHistoryPath="10" nbMaxFindHistoryFilter="10" nbMaxFindHistoryFind="10" nbMaxFindHistoryReplace="10" matchWord="no" matchCase="no" wrap="no" directionDown="yes" fifRecuisive="no" fifInHiddenFolder="no" dlgAlwaysVisible="no" fifFilterFollowsDoc="no" fifFolderFollowsDoc="no" searchMode="0" transparencyMode="1" transparency="150">

<Filter name="." />

<Find name="notepad++" />

<Replace name=":" />


<History nbMaxFile="15">

<File filename="D:\x" />

<File filename="D:\x" />

<File filename="D:\x" />

<File filename="D:\x" />

<File filename="D:\x" />

<File filename="C:\Documents and Settings\x" />

<File filename="D:\Program\x" />

<File filename="C:\Documents and Settings\x" />

<File filename="C:\Documents and Settings\x" />

<File filename="C:\Program\x" />

<File filename="C:\Program\x" />

<File filename="C:\x />

<File filename="C:\x" />

<File filename="D:\Program\x" />

<File filename="C:\Program\x" />



If i remove the whole config.xml the settings is gone.

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It would be great if Piriform added CCleaner support for cleaning notepad++'s MRU.

I use it for editing all kinds of text files, specially CCleaner's ini files.


As a workaround, open N++, go to Settings, Preferences, Misc. and set the "Max number of entries" to zero.


BTW, it's actually C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Notepad++\config.xml

That's the default directory, unless you clicked "do not use %appdata%" when installing.

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I like fireyone's idea of just overwriting with a blank template after a cclean. Easy enough to just give the script a shortcut so you can run it from an icon or menu.


What I would like to see in CCleaner is a "script/process to be run before/after CCleaner executes" entry, so that people can run tailored jobs before or after CCleaner has executed. There are so many disparate requirements* that it's impossible to build everything into CCleaner ... and indeed things that people would logically want to incorporate at the end of a CCleaner run on their own machine wouldn't fit logically into the mainstream product anyway.


*For example, actually editing (cleaning) the content of files natively within CCleaner is a huge task ... people could have vastly differing requirements for different types of files and file content ... and anything but a very basic generic syntax (e.g. to use in a custom .ini file) would be a big ask.

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[Excuse the thread tangent drwho; I hope your original question has been pretty-much answered]


Talking of Notepad++, I'm a TextPad man myself ... can anyone with experience of both offer a comparison between the two?

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I was thinking to my self this morning wouldnt it be nice if cleaner could run scripts.


In the mean time use this. Might be prettier ways but works


Just change the Consts if anythings wrong. Just save it as NotePad.Vbs and run it.


Marmite:Notepad++ man myself


Const FileDirectory = "C:\Program\Notepad++\Config.xml"
Const LineToRemove = "File filename"
Const NextLineToRemove = "Replace name"
Const CleanUpLineToRemove = "Filter name"
Const FinalLineToRemove = "Find name"
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileDirectory, ForReading)

Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objFile.ReadLine
If InStr(strLine, LineToRemove) = 0 _
And InStr(strLine, NextLineToRemove) = 0 _
And InStr(strLine, CleanUpLineToRemove) = 0 _
And InStr(strLine, FinalLineToRemove) = 0 Then
	strNewContents = strNewContents & strLine & vbCrLf
End If


Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileDirectory, ForWriting)
objFile.Write strNewContents


No fate but what we make

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It would probably be much simpler for the folks that make Notepad++ to implement their own cleaner. Then again the batch script trick of replacing the file with an already cleaned version would suffice, and is something I do with programs that operate via an INI file.

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