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Cannot update


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This is a brand new problem of today. I have tried to update to the latest version and the process just stops--dead. That is after I have clicked the "click here" optionand downloaded "ccsetup 227"


Please ---anyone else having this problem? Can anyone suggest a cure that I can understand and carry out bearing in mind that I know nothing about computers. Thanks :(

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Thanks Andavari.

I clicked the link you offered. Got the usual "this should start automatically. If it does not "click here""---clicked---opens ccsetup 227.exe.---AGAIN!!!!-----save the file-------NOTHING---dead.... but Task manager shows it as "running". I waited 2 hours this afternoon---nothing.


I always download from FileHippo.


Any other ideas please.

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are you saying that after the download has finished. you go to the .exe and run the exe but nothing happens? But the process is actice in task manager?

No fate but what we make

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Thanks for reply. Opened your link. Got --"You have chosen to open ccsetup227,exewhich is a binary file from http:// www.simplecoders .com


Would you like to save this file" ----clicked "save" then off I go round in a circle again.



Oh dear I'm despondent.

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so clicking save does nothing? just hangs? what browser are you using?


I'm having a search right now and dont seem to be coming up with any decent results

No fate but what we make

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Capmans steps are worth doing and was going to be a suggestion of mine after this step. But the other thing i was going to suggest, there was a bug with older FF versions with a file called localstore.rdf.


If become currupt it would download the file but auto delete it once complete. does your file even start to download then cannot be found?

No fate but what we make

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Progress report. Booted up today. Default is Firefox. Closed it and opened IE8.


Tried to download latest Google earth from Download.com (which has been impossible for a week for some reason) and BINGO . It downloaded and installed perfectly.


Got bold at this point and tried Ccleaner from download.com ---and it worked perfectly. No sign of the stupid problems.


This sort of thing is very annoying. I did nothing--no uninstalls. no installs, no changes to settings----nothing. But everything worked today.


Every time it failed to work over the last few days and weeks I got no help or guidance from the PC or anywhere built into the software . Really stupid.



THANK YOU all for your help

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