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Recuva Stops Responding


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Hey guys,

I have been trying to recover files off my 1TB external HD that had a corrupted file table, so i reformated it, but every time I start to use recuva, it stops responding at 6% of the looking for deleted files. I have downloaded it using Chrome, and have tried downloading it again and reinstalled it, but still no luck. I have the HD plugged in via my e-SATA port, if that makes a difference, and did enable a deep surface scan looking for all files. Should I try an older version, and are there any other good alternatives that are free like Recuva if I cant get it up and running? I have not written any files to the drive after i reformated it. I'm hoping to recover all of them. Please Help!


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How long did you wait? One tb is, or can be (depending on prior use of the disk) a huge amount of data to run a deep scan against. Vaguely extrapolating my puny amount of data which takes over an hour to deep scan, you could be looking at anything up to 48 hrs or so.

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How long did you wait? One tb is, or can be (depending on prior use of the disk) a huge amount of data to run a deep scan against. Vaguely extrapolating my puny amount of data which takes over an hour to deep scan, you could be looking at anything up to 48 hrs or so.

It would take about 5 minutes to get to 6%, with a estimated time left of 3 hours, and then it would stop responding and windows said "This program has stopped responding, press "End Now" to end this program." It doesn't give me the option to wait and let the program respond, like it does with many other programs, so I assumed it had stopped responding to the point of no return. Also, with other recovery programs, like Easus (which coulnt get the files for some reason) it took about 9 hours with the e-SATA.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got also the same problem,I am trying to recover some of my videos in my WD external hard drive with deep scanning, everything is fine til scanning always stuck up in 99% leaving most of the time 0 seconds(sometimes it increases to 1 second and so on) in estimated time left:. This no response also happens every time (WD external hard drive) I click cancel during the scanning process.

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