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I like C Clearner and have used it, but I'm new to it and afraid to tinker with settings that could screw up my laptop even worse than it is now.


How can I add programs to the C Cleaner so their memories or caches are also cleaned out regularly?


For example, I downloaded a new favicon for my website. Deleted it and ran C Cleaner. But when I tried to create a newer, different favicon for my site, it just kept showing the same previous one and not the new one. So the memory of the previous favicon was not fully erased.


I have several CD and DVD burning programs on my laptop. If I try to burn something that does not burn properly or can't burn for whatever reason, it can take weeks before they will be able to read that a new CD or DVD is in the tray. Someone told me to uninstall .Net framework, but then somebody else said that if I did that, it could make Vista unable to run.


So, I have 2 questions I guess: 1) How do I add programs to C Cleaner so their cached memory is cleaned? and 2) Can anyone help clarify the secondary issue as to why it seems the computer C Cleaner does not erase the memory of what's happened before on it?


Thank you.

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Hi, and welcome to the forum. I will try answer the bits i can to the best i can but i am a little unsure with your explaining.


Firstly the default options set in ccleaner are perfectly safe. In 3 years the only option i changed was to add a custom folder.



For example, I downloaded a new favicon for my website. Deleted it and ran C Cleaner. But when I tried to create a newer, different favicon for my site, it just kept showing the same previous one and not the new one. So the memory of the previous favicon was not fully erased. "


This is the part with which i am having trouble to under stand. A fav icon is the icon that is displayed either in the bookmark toolbar and address bar.



<link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://yoursitedotcom.here/yourdir/favicon.ico">



when you say downloaded? surely you mean uploaded a new icon to your site? If your old one is still displaying the chances are it's still caught in the cache. Close your browser. Run ccleaner and recheck. Failing that get some body else to check.



I will let others answer the rest because i am not totally sure.

No fate but what we make

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The icon issue I've experienced several times in the past. Deleting the icon cache usually solves the problem. If you were to rename your favicon to anything else, you'll see that it will display properly. Because an icon with the new name would not have been previously cached.


The file is located here: %LocalAppData%\IconCache.db


Some times a reboot is required after deleting the file. Windows will generate a new cache file automatically. If your running XP you could use the free MS Tweak UI program to rebuild the cache. Otherwise removing the file normaly works just fine.


- -


For adding programs see this document:



After you look that over feel free to ask any questions. It will make it easier for you to carry out the steps that other forum users provide after you've been acquainted with the overall procedure. If that makes sense.

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There's also the winapp2.ini add-on, which has many programs in it so you may want to look through it to see if what you're using is already included.


And for the CD/DVD burning issue:

* Having multiple burning programs installed could be the issue, possibly.

* Your drive may be stuck in the dreaded PIO mode.

* Your drive may be going kaput.

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