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URGENT: Ccleaner not deleting what is says it did.


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Hey, I ran CCleaner for the first time today, because i noticed my HDD was filling up inexplicably. When running CCleaner for the first time, it said it found 38GB to be deleted. I went through the process and supposedly it cleaned these things up, but it did not. That run cleaned about 2.5 GB. I need help? Was this size displayed in error? What happened?


More information: about 38GB is what mysteriously has been going missing.

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I've really no idea what your pc problem is. You could search your drive on today's date and try to see if there is any file either being created or extended to use up disk space. It's doubtful whether CC could stop this.


If English is not your first language then using an occasional please would help things along. Also bumping your own thread is rather rude.

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I thought your thread was about a display error.

Now you say that you got megabytes left on your HD.


Hey, I ran CCleaner for the first time today, because i noticed my HDD was filling up inexplicably.


That run cleaned about 2.5 GB.

My free space is in the megabytes now.

All this sounds to me like you have a downloader virus.


I was thinking about telling you to download and install Avast! then run a boot time scan,

but I'm not sure if your HD already filled up. :blink:

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