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Good afternoon,

Everybody wants to remove anything, I want you to remain? The "recent documents of Word2007"


I want to keep the documents in the Word in recent documents, I do not want to delete those documents. You could create a way to keep them.



Emerson Baptista da Silva


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Within CCleaners' "Cleaner" mode, on the left side within CCleaners' "Applications" tab, is Word 2007 visible? (Or MS Word or something very close in name?) If it is, make sure it's un-checked. All checked items will be cleaned.


Wait a minute....CCleaner doesn't clean documents or pics. Your documents will be safe. CCleaner only looks for junk files, temp files, log files, etc.

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"recent documents of Word2007"


Is it possible that DOCUMENTS are not at risk, only the recent shortcuts.

i.e. if these are deleted, the only effect is that the File menu in Word will no longer remember what document you last accessed, BUT the file will still be present, and you should still find it with Windows Explorer, and double clicking it should still launch Word and open the document (and that will automatically add it to the "recent files" list).




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