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I got a virus in my computer today (using my wife's now) and I have ran my virus soft ware several times but can't get rid of it. I lost my internet explorer and some software that was on my desktop. Also when I go to my computer there is no control panel and when I click start there is no program buttom for my program files. I looked through my downloaded software and files and when ever I click on an audio or photo or tutorial movie it says "VIRUS ALERT". Is there anything I can do to clean it out and clean my files from the virus alert.




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I got a virus in my computer today (using my wife's now) and I have ran my virus soft ware several times but can't get rid of it. I lost my internet explorer and some software that was on my desktop. Also when I go to my computer there is no control panel and when I click start there is no program buttom for my program files. I looked through my downloaded software and files and when ever I click on an audio or photo or tutorial movie it says "VIRUS ALERT". Is there anything I can do to clean it out and clean my files from the virus alert.




Hi Jack,

Welcome. :D

Ouch!!! Bad stuff going around. Don't hookup your wifes PC in any way with yours.

Go to this link and apply what you can. You may have to create some CD to get your PC back to the Internet.

Then you can get the help you need. Don't try to fix it on your own. Please!!! and don't pay any ransom or it gets worse.



You couldn't have picked a better place to come.


Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. You did exactly the right thing. Believe me!!! You are in the state of shock for right now. It will abate but take your time. Remember, you are still in control of the situation. The guys in the Spyware Hell forum are experts in all these situations. Relax with your wife and have a few good laughs. It will help a lot.

If you have pets, they sense your feelings better than you do. They might need a little extra attention and potty time or walk also. Take care of you and yours. You have been attacked. The PC is secondary.

Edited by davey
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Thanks davey for your reply. I can still get on line throuh my MSN setting, the icon is still there. I noticed when I was online with my computer Internet Explorer keep trying to log in and send some spyware fixers but I was able to delete and shut IE down before any got downloaded. I also disconnected my computer from the Internet and was running my virus software that way, even then IE was still trying to connect but it couldn't since I was disconnected from Inet.

I am able to acess some files that were stored on my desktop, but they have "VIRUS ALERT" in them. If I tried to put any of that on disc, would the virus go along on the download?


Glad I found this forum, looks like a lot of good stuff here.



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Glad I found this forum, looks like a lot of good stuff here.



Hi Jack,

Glad to see you are being helped on the Spyware Hell forum.

Some people try to fix some of these problems themselves, never realizing that along the way other things have been damaged in their PC. Plus some of these malware programs are constantly being changed by the Criminals.


Yes, you do exactly what they tell you to do on the Spyware Hell forum and don't do anything else until they advise that your PC is "clean".


There is lots of "good stuff" here and good people also.

You come back when you are finished getting your PC back in order!!!


You can help yourself and all those you know after this experience.

You can help in this battle against Criminals on the Internet by protecting those you know.


Good luck,

:) davey

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