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Vista Restore - vanishes


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I have Vista 64 and my restore points keep vanishing. I'm thinking there's a relationship between my use of CCleaner and the vanishing restore points. Even points that I create disappear. Is there a way to not select restore points ... perhaps this is the problem. I don't see it in the list to exclude. I quite like this utility. Any suggestions.

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CCleaner does not remove System Restore points, and has no functionality to do it.


Here's a Microsoft article about missing or deleted restore points.



Thanks for clearing that up. Restore points have been mysteriously disappearing and I needed to rule out CCleaner as a possible cause. The link you sent refers to Win XP ... but I read through it anyway. I have tons of disk space (new system) and Vista 64 might have its own issues. None of the causes seem to apply ... at least, not that I can see. Thanks for the link anyway. I've created a few points (again) and will see if they survive another day (they disappear every day) and I run CCleaner every day (runs very fast on this system). Great utility.

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Thanks for clearing that up. Restore points have been mysteriously disappearing and I needed to rule out CCleaner as a possible cause. The link you sent refers to Win XP ... but I read through it anyway. I have tons of disk space (new system) and Vista 64 might have its own issues. None of the causes seem to apply ... at least, not that I can see. Thanks for the link anyway. I've created a few points (again) and will see if they survive another day (they disappear every day) and I run CCleaner every day (runs very fast on this system). Great utility.

Hello Cowtoon,

These links are to the same guy's site about System Restore.XP and Vista.

His site is the best we know of when it comes to System Restore problems, fixes, and general information.


System Restore

http://bertk.mvps.org/index.html Restore a Windows XP system to a previous State using System Restore

http://bertk.mvps.org/html/vista.html Windows Vista, System Restore


You may want to bookmark these.I have.

Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. http://bertk.mvps.org/html/missingrpv.html Some third-party tools can can cause the deletion of restore points in Windows Vista.

Some versions of Vista are affected.

Are you trying to run CCleaner at Start-up? This may apply to you Cowtoon and a few others with this problem.

Edited by davey
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