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Audio "normalizer"?


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When i watch, for example YouTube videos, audio sound level of course varies between the videos, so i always have to lower or higher the sound level between the videos. It's not very nice. So is there any 3rd-party program (or any other way) to keep the sound level always the same for every video?

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In your web browser I haven't the foggiest ideal.


Some media players have built-in normalization for playback, however that doesn't exactly help with embedded streaming videos unless you download them for local playback.


I don't know if soundcard software is able to do it or not, however perhaps thats another area to look into.


Basically what you're asking about is an implementation of ReplayGain, which I wish was an industry standard in everything we listen to!

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As far as I know, Andavari is correct....it would be nice if there was something for browser playback, because there are definetly some videos that are way to quiet. MaximumPC did a story about organizing your music collection, but that was obviously from songs and CD's that you owned and would be putting into iTunes or something like that.



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