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While updating CCleaner I got a weird file


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When I googled the file name thats all I got.


I wonder what it is and why/how it piggybacked my CCleaner update today.


My browser has been wigging out all day refusing to load pages...I wonder if there is a connection?

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When installing software files like that GLB*.tmp can, may, and/or will get created, hence the setup.exe file has to unpack the files to install them


So that sounds like a file associated with CCleaner, and not a threat...

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May be a fix at the link below as that file could be related to malware.

Prevx CSI article and download


Installed and tried the free scanner from that link, and it seems to be an OK addition to the arsenal IMHO. Scan includes search for rootkits.


As it's free, it doesn't clean any infection found, thats available via "activate cleanup" link, but I can live with that, as it's very quick, and has a nice GUI.




Needs to be online to check scan against malware database, which again, isn't a problem.


Anyone else tried or use this?

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So that sounds like a file associated with CCleaner, and not a threat...

I wouldn't know because I haven't tracked a CCleaner installation in years, however as I previously stated setup programs are known to create legitimate working .tmp files to unpack and install the software, and they will many times end up in prefetch and even the MUICache in the registry.


I don't know if that .tmp file you've noticed is malware related or not, or if it's harmless, however since Prevx lists it as malware it wouldn't hurt to do an anti-malware scan with your installed anti-virus and anti-spyware programs just to be on the safe side.

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