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One Angry Judge


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Judge struck off after jailing 46 in phone row:


A US judge has been removed from the bench after jailing 46 people when a mobile phone began ringing during his court session and no one would own up.


The entire courtroom was sent to the cells during a domestic violence hearing when the judge, Robert Restaino, 48, "snapped" and - according to a review of his actions - "engaged in what can only be described as two hours of inexplicable madness".


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What a joke. These judges think they are gods. That one needs a bullet to the brain as soon as possible. After is little tantrum he probably went and did some crack with the young boys he probably molests daily.

That comment is a bit OTT <_<

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That comment is a bit OTT <_<


Not anymore over the top than that judge's behaviour. That guy is a disgrace to the entire legal system. He is worse than the people he puts away. I would bet anything his behavior in the court room that day is the tip of the ice berg. I was actually holding back how strongly I feel about the type of crap.

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Not anymore over the top than that judge's behaviour. That guy is a disgrace to the entire legal system. He is worse than the people he puts away. I would bet anything his behavior in the court room that day is the tip of the ice berg. I was actually holding back how strongly I feel about the type of crap.

So he jails 46 wife beaters for a couple of hours and you think that warrants calling him a child molester?

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So he jails 46 wife beaters for a couple of hours and you think that warrants calling him a child molester?


If that's all you can see that happened than you are missing the point. He didn't just jail 46 wife beaters. He put on a redicolous display of I think I am God syndrome. Clearly thinks he is above and beyond everyone else. Thinks he is the law. These people are worse than the criminals they put away. I have known several people in law enforcement with this attitude. A couple were jail guards, some were police officers ( I use that term lightly), some were inspectors for various agencies like the Ministry of Labour. The Jail guards bragging and laughing about the people they beat the crap out of simply because they did not like the guys attitude or the way he looked. The cops being some off the worst drinking and driving offenders I have known. I could go on. The point is when you have human garbade in positions of authority you get incidents like that judge and that is only what you see them doing. Behind closed doors they take scumbag to a new level. Does that judge molest kids? Obviously I don't know. I can guarantee you from his ridiculous behaviour in the court room he is capable of and has done some nasty things.

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Our judicial system seems to be populated by judges who are either well past their sell-by date, or for whatever reason, don't seem able to apply a punishment to fit the crime.


I remember a case in my neck of the woods a short while back, where a judge gave a "second chance" to a guy with 69 previous convictions. That's probably 69 individuals or families who've had their world turned upside down.


Too many do-gooders who seem more interested in criminals well being and "rehabilitation", than the victims who are left behind to pick up the pieces.

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Our judicial system seems to be populated by judges who are either well past their sell-by date, or for whatever reason, don't seem able to apply a punishment to fit the crime.


I remember a case in my neck of the woods a short while back, where a judge gave a "second chance" to a guy with 69 previous convictions. That's probably 69 individuals or families who've had their world turned upside down.


Too many do-gooders who seem more interested in criminals well being and "rehabilitation", than the victims who are left behind to pick up the pieces.


I with you on that. My problem is with judges and law enforcement that think they are above the law and are gods. They are worse than criminals because they behave the same way but hide behind their titles and positions. Ever notice when they get caught they get a slap on the wrist when in fact they should get twice the punishment of a regular person. They should be punished for the crime and than extra for abusing their position and making a mockery of the system. They think they are above the law because the system treats them as if they are.

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True story that happened here a few years ago.


A Judge driving home at sundown goes through a red light and has a prang with a Plumber's ute.


The police give the judge a ride home but take the plumber down to the station to be tested for drink driving which showed no alcohol at all.


Caused quite an public uproar as to to why the bloke in the wrong, being the judge, wasn't tested as well.


Probably because he was too pissed to take the test! :lol:

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True story that happened here a few years ago.


A Judge driving home at sundown goes through a red light and has a prang with a Plumber's ute.


The police give the judge a ride home but take the plumber down to the station to be tested for drink driving which showed no alcohol at all.


Caused quite an public uproar as to to why the bloke in the wrong, being the judge, wasn't tested as well.


Probably because he was too pissed to take the test! :lol:


Tip of the ice berg I was referring to. Judge thinks he is above the law because he is treated like a god by some loser cops. That crap happens often. Don't get into an accident with an off duty cop. His bed buddies will make sure you are at fault. Unless you have a video of the accident happening they will screw you for their buddy. I have friends that similar things have happened to.


If people knew the true depth of corruption that really exists the system would collapse.

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If that's all you can see that happened than you are missing the point. He didn't just jail 46 wife beaters. He put on a redicolous display of I think I am God syndrome.

I'm not denying that, or disagreeing, but I think a comment that OTT is unnecessary on this forum.

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