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Newbie needs help


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I'm not to familiar with computer security and such so please be patient with me. I need to figure out how to clean other accounts on my computer. I have the administrator account with the CCleaner on it and I run it every day, but the other two accounts are building up crap and slowing the computer down. Can anyone help me out?




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For some reason it didn't load onto all users, just my account. I don't understand what happened, but I do not have access to CCleaner from all accounts...

If those accounts have nothing important on them Delete them then run CCleaner then run Defraggler and then re creat those acounts ;)

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For some reason it didn't load onto all users, just my account. I don't understand what happened, but I do not have access to CCleaner from all accounts...

All you have to do is create a shortcut to CCleaner.exe on the Desktop, or even in the Start Menu for those other accounts.

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My home pc has 3 user accounts, mine is the administrator. I loaded CCleaner from my account, but had to manually put the CCleaner shortcut icon on my desktop by going to Windows Explorer (again, from my account), then Program Files. I clicked on the CCleaner folder. The CCleaner icon appeared and I right-clicked on it to send it to my desktop.


I repeated the above process, while logged into each of the other 2 user accounts, to add the the CCleaner shortcut icon to each of those two desktops as well. From reading some of the other threads, it doesn't look like there's a way to run CCleaner for all multiple accounts at one time. So, I figured the next best thing would be just to run it individually from each account. Seems to work fine.

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