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Powershadow 2.8.2 Registered Version


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Apparently, some folk are having problems getting this version registered now.


After doing format/reinstall of OS yesterday I thought I might have the same trouble, and I'm not entirely sure if my workaround was the reason it's up and running again, but for what it's worth...


Before formatting yesterday, made a copy of the entire shadow folder in system32. This being the registered English version.


Today, after reinstalling OS, I installed the chinese version of Powershadow again, and then replaced the entire folder in system32 with the one I copied yesterday.


Working fine. Hope this helps.

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Good to hear Dennis.Using Returnil here PS won't work with Vista as yet.


Both are fine apps.


From PS FAQ:

What is NOT supported by PowerShadow?


We don't support Windows 95/98/ME, Vista, or 64-bit system.


We don't support Mac OS or Linux.


We don't support RAID.

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I'm about to dip my toe into this whole area and give Returnil a try (been convinced by all the comments on here :D )


I wouldn't presume to give you advice on this one JD, but I've played around with it a bit, and my observations and final setup might interest you.


1: I found that if you don't actually register Returnil, (which is simply pressing registration and rebooting, no internet connection required) then in my case, it kept reverting to a trial version.


2: I steered well clear of the Virtual Partition feature after trying it. My drive started working overtime, and defrag analysis said my HD was seriously fragmented, although after removing and reinstalling Returnil to get rid of the VP, an analysis showed my drive to be OK.


3: Configured it to be inactive on startup, and disabled the Returnil entry in my startup sequence, as even though it boots inactive, it still runs in the background. Works fine, and I prefer it this way.


Anyway, hope it works OK for you, and if I experience any problems using it, I'll post them.

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1: I found that if you don't actually register Returnil, (which is simply pressing registration and rebooting, no internet connection required) then in my case, it kept reverting to a trial version.

Hmmnn, some others are having the same prob.


Returnil reverts to trial version


If you decide on Returnil then I would skip making the virtual drive if you have another partition or some other place to save stuff such as a cd or usb.

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It happened twice, but since actually doing that register/reboot, it's remained registered.


Had a quick look at your link, and I wonder if those people have Returnil configured to be active on boot, which makes it a waste of time registering. ;)


I know that seems far too obvious, but sometimes the obvious is the thing we miss.

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Before formatting yesterday, made a copy of the entire shadow folder in system32. . . .Working fine. Hope this helps.


Thanks very much for that post. Had hoped that would be the case, but not sure. . .feel better now. B)


edit 28 June 07:


There is some intriguing information about PS at the link below. I am not savvy enough to evaluate it, but it seems like PS remained registered after the user reformatted??? I am going to reformat soon, will see let you know if mine stays registered also.



The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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