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Problem with portable C-Cleaning

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I have a few quibbles about Portable C-Cleaning.


- If you use the portable C-Cleaner app, it works fine, but can break an existing CCleaner install due to, the registering of a few components, such as subtimer.dll etc.


- I can use winrar to SFX C-Cleaner & auto remove the file when I am done. This fixes having to see that window each time when you use a .bat file to register & unregister components. But I still have the problem that I may break an existing install of C-Cleaner.


- Hopefully, besides multi-user cleaning, C-Cleaner 2 could also allow multiple startup selects with shift & ctrl key & shortcut keys like del to delete them faster than 1 by 1 like it does now.

- Maybe there can be a BHO cleaner & hosts file cleaner.

- Maybe C-Cleaner 2 will save all settings in an .ini file instead of using the registry + not have components that need registering/unregistering so that if someone has another version of C-Cleaner already installed, you won't break their install by using a portable C-Cleaner.

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Portable won't let you run it by default, if you have CCleaner installed. Yes, it can break your install.


Are you using CCleaner Portable 1.3? There shouldn't be a bat file windows anymore...


CCleaner 2 will not require components or write to the registry. You will see more next month about it.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Piriform Forum Moderator

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