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Went to the site and added it as a bookmark.


Bit disappointed that the "Truth Sayer" being Ron Paul didn't get a mention. :(


Even though I'm an Aussie I really hope Ron Paul is elected as the next President of the good ol US of A!

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The chances or Ron Paul being the next president is are about as good as pigs flying and the moon being made of cheese.

He will never win the primaries for the republican party and if he was to run as a 3rd party he would never have a chance. He has run before a couple of times and he doesn't even get 1% of the vote.


Personally I think he is a nut. He says some interesting things but his policies just wouldn't work in todays world.

He believes the US should basically become isolationists and stay completely out of foreign affairs. The problem with this of course is that when anything goes wrong in the world who do they want to help? Yep the US.


On top of that he wants the only function of the government to be defense. I'm a republican and want small government but his views are too extreme. Besides he would never fly with the socialist democrats who think its the governments job to do everything but wipe your ass.


Don't get me wrong I would vote for Paul before Hilary Clinton(I would rather be shot in the face then vote for her actually) but the good thing is I won't have to vote for either one. :D


Out of the candidates that are out there right now I would probably vote for Giuliani even though I don't really like him very much. But he is a little more liberal socially and very conservative governmentally. Which is what I want. Who I really want to run is Newt Gingrich who is possibly the smartest man in American Politics today. I've read all of this books and listened to just about every speech the man has ever gave and he knows his stuff. He unlike most of the candidates I feel actually wants to make america the great country that it should be and not cater to whoever is offering the biggest bribe.


The republican party right now is corrupt but the recent change to a democrat congress has shown that they are even more corrupt. (hiding money in their freezer anyone?) God I hate politics but its a necessary evil to keep up with.

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Thanks for the link I love the stones. :D

I haven't heard that song. I didn't get a bigger bang because when I browsed through the tracks I didn't think it was worth buying.

The rain fall down song is pretty good.


Personally I think rock bands should stay out of politics. I love me some Beatles but that doesn't mean I agree with Lennon's politicts.(he was a nut too. :P) Listen to Imagine, he is basically singing the communist mannifesto. Its a beautiful song but that doesn't mean I agree with it.




Anyway, neocon? Yeah right. :P

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to some things(socially). Such as you wont see me marching outside of a concert because I don't like what the artists saying or I don't agree with abortion but I wouldn't vote to ban it. But when it comes to the government and my money I'm very conservative. Its not the governments job to take my money to support joe down the street who is to lazy to get off his ass and get a job. If joe had a disibility then fine I'm all for it but a lot of the stuff that goes on when democrats are in charge I think is BS.


Of course I'm not exactly crazy about most of the stuff bush has been doing either. Especially this recent immigration garbage.


Have you actually done any research on Ron Paul or do you just see all of the slanted garbage that gets posted on the internet?

I ask because if you haven't then I wouldn't blame you. I don't read about your political candidates either. :P

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There is a VAST difference in internet polls and say phone/paper ones.

On the internet people can vote more then once, don't really have to be eligible to vote, ect. Plus your only polling a very small percentage of people compared to the real deal.(those with internet connections and go to that site versus the whole US population)


Plus you have to take into account who is giving the poll because of the types of users that would attract.


I don't want to sound condescending but I don't know how much you know about american government. In the US there are primary elections that decides who gets to run in the general election(presidential). In the primary ellections the only people who usually vote are the die hard voters from each side. On top of that when you register to vote you pick republican/democrat and you can only vote in the primaries for the party you pick. So even though Paul may have supporters/more support then the other republicans those people may not even get to vote for him in the primaries.


Stranger things have happened and there is a long time to go but I wouldn't count on him.

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