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Posts posted by ROCKNROLL

  1. The [Device Manager Cache XP*] code is now showing up on Windows 10 systems.

    [Device Manager Cache XP*]
    Warning=This clears cached drivers of connected devices. As soon as you connect a new device, this file regenerates.

    I changed the DetectOS to DetectOS=|5.1 and it no longer shows up on Windows 10.  HOWEVER, I have no way to determine if it shows up properly on XP systems after this change.


    So DetectOS only works if it is like this DetectOS=|X? I thought this was wrong because other entries have it like this DetectOS=X|

  2. Remove entry:


    [Colorblind Assistant*]
    DetectFile=%AppData%\Colorblind Assistant
    Warning=Resets window position.
    FileKey1=%AppData%\Colorblind Assistant|default.ini


    We agreed no more resetting settings entries.



    [Config.msi Folder*]


    There is a missing detect in this entry.

  3. Not to be a nag, but the internal version/date does not reflect the CCLEANER version and the date of the change. 


    The INI says it is  v5.26.170306, but it should actually be Version: v5.28.170324


    You must be looking at the stable Winapp2 file, which is currently on hold until the development build of Winapp2 is done. You will also notice that took the CCleaner version number out some time ago and now it is just the date (year, month, day).

  4. I always hated the fact that Mozilla implemented pocket into Firefox, since it isn't open-source. I always used Waterfox to solve that, which has pocket removed, but now that they acquired Pocket, I assume they will finally release the source code.

  5. There is a cache folder there on mine.


    Ah OK, but are you using a old version or something? When does this cache folder usually appear? I have been using qBittorrent for years and there has never been a cache folder for me.

  6. New Entry:


    [qBittorrent Logs*]



    Remove entry:


    [qBittorrent Backup*]


    This is causing torrents still being download to be erased.



    Remove entry:


    [qBittorrent Cache*]


    I am not aware there is a cache folder in this directory, or that qBittorrent ever had a cache folder.

  7. I think the entries listed below should be removed.


    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 07*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 09*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 5*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Free (Logs)*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 6*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 7*]

    [Ashampoo Burning Studio 8*]


    Why? I thought we said no removing old entries.



    Also, CCleaner has [Ashampoo Burning Studio 10], [Ashampoo Burning Studio 11] and [Ashampoo Burning Studio 14]. Whereas Winapp2.ini has [Ashampoo Burning Studio 12*], [Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 More*], [Ashampoo Burning Studio 15*], [Ashampoo Burning Studio 16*] and [Ashampoo Burning Studio 18*]. So I think keeping the program version number in the entry name is fine.


    It's not really the point of what CCleaner does. It's just some techniques to clean up Winapp2 and help shrink the size down without effecting it's cleaning capabilities.



    Please compare winapp.ini with winapp2.ini and look for duplicate entries in winapp2.ini.


    It is on my to do list already, but will probably be the last thing I will do.

  8. [Aegisub (Auto Backups)*]
    Warning=Aegisub automatically saves a backup copy of each script you open. This will delete them.

    [Aegisub (Autosaves)*]
    Warning=Aegisub automatically saves a copy of each script you are working on. This will delete them.


    I am looking at these 2 entries and judging by both of their warnings, they do the same thing right? So there should be no issue combining these 2 right?


    P.S: Updates: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/0ede39c4490731c41fd5d718fe500f6329049a9b



    My next major updates will be combining all the Ashampoo entries into one. There is a lot of them so this will probably be the biggest merger in the entire file.

  9. New updates to development build: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/5a84f5aeca11b20fd4e797eb41eaa62fb3ecd034


    Sorry about the few days without any updates. Microsoft decided not to give me my windows 10 free anymore and there support was no help either. I had to go back to Windows 7 and spend a whole day recovering everything. Lucky, most of everything was recoverable. I also managed to load a cross between XP and 2000 theme to my win7 desktop. I like it and it cut the ram/cpu usage in half. What do you think: https://snag.gy/HmaQI0.jpg


    Anyways, back on topic, I notice that with several Chrome, Firefox, etc entries in Winapp2 don't have Chrome or Firefox in them, which is fine, but in Winapp2, these entries are just scattered all over. I was thinking about putting them in sections where we can put all the browser ones so they are easier to manage in the future. What do you think of this idea?

  10. The entry name does not look right. Shouldn't it be [Adblock Plus for Firefox*]?

    Also, FileKey1=%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\adblock*|patterns-backup*.ini;*.tmp should be changed to FileKey1=%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\adblockplus|patterns-backup*.ini;*.tmp


    [Adblock Plus/Edge For Firefox*]






    This is suppose to work with Adblock Plus and Adblock Edge, so that is why it is called that.


    As for the More* entries, we can't take More* out because CCleaner has issues with duplicate naming. This also applies to the Winapp entries, too.


    I added the additions to the latest development update: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/3d8e9af5d8d62ba5caea087ce8a7f3a9fa3aa966

  11. Yes, I have ABBYY FineReader 14.00 trial, but it looks like those registry keys do not exist in 14.00.


    You are correct though that CCleaner doesn't support wildcards in detect and regkey, so I updated it and did static keys again.


    You can still make corrections to the development build here, just like it's always been.

  12. Ok, first update to the development build was to combine all the ABBYY FineReader entries into one. It is also my first time trying to use wildcards in Winapp2. Please test it out and see if it works alright.

  13. As of right now, I am putting Winapp2 additions on hold for now, so no new additions will be added for awhile. I am currently working on overhauling Winapp2. Most changes will just be under the hood stuff. There maybe some others, like combing some entries and all. You can check out the progress on GitHub in the Development folder.


    If you have any new additions to add, please just wait until the overhaul is done. Than you for your understanding.

  14. FK1 probably means FileKey1.


    An instance where spelling it out would've caused no guess work or confusion.


    Yes I figured that much, but I meant like if he means for me to remove the filekey1 from ESET or if he took it out already or what?

  15. It is wrong! All it needed was a Detect3= for that EACU key the other person posted.


    The dBpowerAMP detect key needs to remain like the original cleaner had for it. It cleans AccurateRip cache for two completely different CD ripping programs; dBpowerAMP and EAC.




    Here's a correction for AccurateRip Cache including the newly added EACU reference, alphabetized:




    This was the original:


    Ah OK. That makes more sense now. Should be correct way now: https://github.com/MoscaDotTo/Winapp2/commit/15d58878157f6d0bd7cca4fb67b67d2ca396f6fa

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