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Posts posted by nodles

  1. Haven't used Sync yet. If I recall I removed everything (also FF installation) and then installed latest FF and imported just bookmarks and saved passwords. Previously I always restored those, settings, addons and probably addons settings etc..

    Gonna try that eCleaner out later, haven't heard of it before.

  2. Starting with blank page FF takes ~240MB but rises rapdily to ~300-350MB when opening first tab and after a while FF takes about 400MB-600MB. I've 8GB RAM.
    I had some slowness/sluggishness earlier but got it fixed by creating new profile (and reinstalling Firefox I think). My profile is so very old (because I backup it before I reinstall) and it had lots of useless, outdated and redundant files from old addons and FF versions etc. I also checked my ABP; removed all filters and then checked best filters at that moment and installed those. Also ABP uses a bit less RAM after the optimization.
    I've also tried about:memory-addons but now I'm just using about:memory (one addon less ;)).

  3. It has all the ones in your list in one addon, eg EasyList, EasyPrivacy and Fanboy's Annoyance ListEasy.

    There's also Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List which had some false positives. Also last time I checked Ultimate or Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List wasn't updated in a while but looks better now, might give it a try later.

  4. OT: I love .hack//SIGN




    I use Firefox Nightly (v30.0a1)


    with addons:



    Adblock Plus

    Australis Slimmr

    Cleanest Addon Manager

    Customize about:newtab

    Delete bookmark icons


    Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus

    FavIcon Reloader






    Reddit Enhancement Suite

    Restartless Restart

    Shortcut Key 2 URL


    Snap Links Plus


    Test Pilot

    YouTube ALL HTML5




    disabled addons that I sometimes use are


    Add to Amazon Wishlist Button


    Duplicate Tab Closer



    Grease Monkey

    no install delay

    password reuse visualizer

    print pages to pdf

    I've tried about:addons-memory but not needed anymore. Doesn't Disconnect do same as Ghostery (or same as ABP with correct filters)?

    IMO Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus is redundant with latest ABP+filters also.

    Firebug not installed but very useful when playing with/testing sites etc.

    As disabled I only have FEBE (for backups) and SQSLite Manager (which pretty redundant for me these days).


    Winapp2.ini how much RAM does your FF use? Any slowness you've noticed? You've so many addons installed.


    [League of Legends*]
    Detect2=HKCU\Software\Riot Games
    Detect3=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Riot Games
    FileKey2=%SystemDrive%\Riot Games\League of Legends|*.log*;*.tmp;*.pandurl;Localization_Errors.txt|RECURSE
    FileKey3=%SystemDrive%\Riot Games\League of Legends\Logs|*.*|RECURSE

    Added Detect3.

  6. 1) Firefox (latest stable version, atm v27.0)

    2) don't want to bloat my FF cause of slowdowns & high RAM usage, I'm currently using only 3:

    - Adblock Plus (with multiple filters) for ad/track blocking

    - HTTPS-Everywhere for "force" secure sign/sites

    - NoScript to block scripts & flash etc (kinda same reasons as ABP)

    I don't use Ghostery anymore because it's redundant; ABP filters should block everything that Ghostery blocks and if not, NoScript and my hosts file will.

    3) See above + I've used FF for along time now and I like the addons and it's interface etc.

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