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Posts posted by lokoike

  1. One minute...give-or-take a few seconds. (This is added time not total time) Do you want my specs again?

    HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!! A minute?! That is ridiculous! Something weird is seriously up if it has that kind of effect!


    Honestly, I would PM MrG if I was you; hopefully he would look into something that has effects of that magnitude.

  2. I'm not expecting an explanation (although it wouldn't hurt). I just accepted it for the greater good of my PC. ;)


    Does that put CCleaner in the same category as Norton?


    After writing that I realized that I sound like a Norton, etc... user. :o:wacko:

    Oh, I wouldn't go that far! After all, at least the non-Yahoo! Toolbar version of CC is tiny and uses few resources, unlike its Symantec brethren (I like that word today :D ).


    But that is an unusual and very Norton-like performance hit for sure, and it's kind of sad to hear that it is due to our dear CCleaner.


    So between your uninstalls of CCleaner, did you notice that this sluggish boot-up disappeared? And then did it immediately return after the reinstallation of CCleaner? How much time would you say CC appears to add to your boot-up?

  3. BUT...the version history doesn't mention anything about a toolbar so maybe it was introduced in this version without us knowing. (hmmmm)

    Sneaky, sneaky... :ph34r:


    Yeah, I'm not really sure why it would slow down your computer; that is really a shame. I'll pick my brain on this one, but I can't promise an explanation. :(

  4. I also just assumed that my startup programs cache's were getting cleaned, and therefore making my startup time slower.

    Hmm... I suppose that is possible, but nothing of that sort was listed in the Version History, so I would certainly hope that MrG didn't "tweak" it and then not tell us.


    If it makes any difference, CCleaner 1.27 Slim hasn't slowed down my shut down, boot, or overall Windows speed in the slightest.

  5. Why do I need either file? I've gone this long without it.

    Actually, you already have winapp.ini, even though you may not realize it. Go into your CCleaner directory and you will see it. It is a necessary part of CCleaner, and is one of the files included in the installer. If you delete it, there will be nothing listed under your Applications list. Try cutting it out of the CCleaner folder and pasting it on the desktop to prove this for yourself.


    Note: If you do have winapp2.ini currently installed, there will still be apps listed, as it contains apps as well. The point was simply that ccleaner.exe itself doesn't contain cleaning routines. The routines are stored in winapp.ini (and the optional download winapp2.ini).


    There are programs listed in my Add/Remove - Control Panel list that aren't listed in CCleaner's "uninstall" list, and I was told to add the missing programs to winapp. But is that winapp.ini, or winapp2.ini.


    I'll look around for the winapp.ini file now.




    The reason these programs are not listed in CCleaner is because MrG has not yet created cleaning routines for those apps. That is what winapp2.ini is for. If you want those programs cleaned, you can make a text file in notepad with the cleaning routine, and simply save it as winapp2.ini. This way, you don't have to put the entires in the original winapp.ini file, so that if there is a bug, you won't have to reinstall CCleaner; all you have to do is delete (or edit) your custom-made winapp2.ini file.


    The winapp2.ini file available for download on this forum is basically just a compilation of dozens of apps that other users have written cleaning routines for. If you wanted, you could download this file and add or remove entries to suit your particular needs.

  6. My computer have had some unstability too, before it never had that, but lately it have had it. The 12v line reports a little over 12v (but less than 13v). You think that is the problem?

    Highly doubt it. Your voltage will never be a perfect 12v or 13v, due to different forms of resistance such as heat produced by your PSU and cables that may have a slight imperfection, ect.


    What are the problems you experience? We may be able to isolate your problem.

  7. yeah but software firewalls arent the ultimate protection. a hardware firewall must always be the first line of defense.

    I know that, but I don't have one, and frankly, have yet to need one.


    And really, the same goes with all things hardware; it is always more secure than software. For example, Windows DEP works best if you have a processor that has support built-in, as opposed to simply using the software. Or if you have passwords, you are better off using some form of hardware "key" (such as a fingerprint reader or eye-scanner), as opposed to using a software password.


    Anything that is software can be cracked/reverse engineered/decompiled. The only way to "crack" hardware is with a soldering iron. :lol:

  8. I would never ever pay for a shareware, it would not even cross my mind todo so.


    I think I might donate to something that it is free and open source though...

    While I agree with Eldmannen when it comes to his dislike for commercial software, I don't understand what you (Eldmannen) have against a "shiny glimmering user interface with fancy buttons". Is this a bad thing?! Last time I checked, the only senses that a computer affects are sight and hearing, assuming you have speakers. Since your eyes are the primary sense affected by your computer, don't you think it is logical to have your computer's display be stimulating and attractive, while at the same time being intuitive?


    Or are you one of those "hard-core" PC users who is under the impression that Command Prompt is God and anything that looks good or is easy to use is bad, because it isn't "advanced" enough? You think faster is better, right? Then why do you prefer an ugly, sloppy, and poorly set-up app? If the average joe is able to use an app, does that suddenly mean it is bad?


    When you think about it, most Command Prompt features could be integrated into a program's GUI, which would in fact make it more easily accessible to the user. For example, would you rather tell a program to delete a file by typing in something like *C:\ Program Files\ Eldmannen\ eldmannen.exe /del=crap. Or would you rather simply run that attractive, well set-up app (in this case, eldmannen.exe) and click the checkbox titled "Delete crap"? Obviously, the second method would be easier, faster, and more intuitive for average and advanced users alike. But maybe that is just too easy... Heaven forbid, we make something easy or nice-looking! :lol:


    *just as a disclamer, this is not a real command line, and it will most likely just give you an error message.

  9. Good evening lokoike !


    Since I have reinstalled 126 in my neighbor's as well as in my computer this afternoon, and since all is well for now, should I not wait for a "new and improved" 127, complete and resplendent in all its new glory?


    I will look forward to your reply and advice.




    Well, a newer version probably won't be out for a while (at least a month or so), since v1.27 is practically brand new. Also, CCleaner shouldn't cause any issues with your computer starting up, so if I was you, I would try disabling the option like I suggested previously, because it is very possible that v1.27 will work just fine for you.


    Since v1.27 solves some of the problems which 1.26 has, you are better off with having this newer version, as it is more stable and has more features. But once again, make sure you DO NOT download the Standard Build. Get one of the other two listed versions from the link I gave you, as they take less space and don't contain any adware.


    Hope this helps you out. :)

  10. I could add that one to the weekly check if you think necessary, and maybe I will just do that.


    Or you could be like lokoike, who at one time ran antivirus/antispyware scans all the time, and now no longer gives a crap because he realized that as long as you have a good firewall, nothing gets in in the first place! :lol:


    I personally use Zone Alarm Pro as my firewall and SpywareBlaster as my spyware/adware firewall (at least that's what I call it). Both are just splendid, and as long as you keep your firewall settings up good and high, you most likely won't contract anything! I have one antivirus app and one spyware removing utility, both of which I rarely use, and every time I do, I get the same message: "Your [name of program that removes malicious code] didn't find jack. Why do you even use us anymore? You're wasting your time, damnit! Get on with your life, foo!"


    No, actually don't be like lokoike; stay a concerned PC user. One of these days, I'll come on here wimpering about getting some god-awful virus because I wasn't nearly concerned enough. But for now, I'll stick with being blissfully lazy in my scanning...

  11. I posted a possible solution to your problem here. You may want to try that out before resorting to being stuck with an older version. Also, make sure you get either the Basic or Slim version which can be downloaded here. Some anti-virus/spyware apps don't like the Standard Build, not to mention the Standard Build contains the useless Yahoo! Toolbar and takes up more space.


    Let me know if this works!

  12. I would suggest opening CCleaner and unchecking the "Run CCleaner when the computer starts" box, which is located under Options > Settings. This may solve your problem.


    Also, if you do have to reboot your computer, waiting 30 seconds before you restart wouldn't make any difference. In fact, you are actually better off rebooting it immediately after shutting it down. The reason being, waiting 30 seconds will cool your computer slightly, and restarting afterwards will heat it up again, which cause abrupt expansion/contraction of your components, which eventually wears your computer down faster. If you boot it immediately after shutting it down, your computer's temperature will not substantially drop, so it will last longer.


    By the way, nice rig! :D

  13. No I'm using the same version. My "Issues Scan" doesn't detect anything relating to WD, but tnt is saying that it does on his/her computer.


    I'm assuming that when tnt said the "problems" section of CCleaner, that he/she is referring to "issues".


    "Issues" doesn't list individual apps (such as WinDefender) in the way that the Applications tab under Cleaner does, because the Issues scan doesn't look for issues specific to particular applications. It looks for registry issues in all applications, assuming you have the corresponding boxes checked, such as Applications, Obsolete Software, etc. In this way, CCleaner can clean registry entries made by programs that aren't even supported by the file cleaning feature.


    As far as tnt's problem goes, 64-bit support has never been listed in Version History as a feature, so I'm assuming that CCleaner does not work properly on 64-bit OS's. If I was you, I would at least avoid using the Issues scan, as I'm sure WinXP x64 has a very different registry structure from that of its 32-bit brethren. CCleaner does support WinVista, but apparently only the 32-bit versions.

  14. Thank you Hazelnut!


    I have another question. Sorry, but I'm a n00b with the winapp stuff. I downloaded winapp2.ini yesterday. Is that the only one that I need, or do I need the winapp.ini as well? If winapp2.ini is an update to winapp.ini then Tarun's suggestion was implemented because that key isn't on winapp2.ini. But if both are needed then I'm not sure. I don't have the winapp.ini.


    CCleaner comes with winapp.ini. That is the one you need to have. CCleaner does support a winapp2.ini file, but it may contain bugs and such, so it is recommended for primarily advanced users.


    The original winapp.ini contains applications that MrG has tested out and written the cleaning routines for. winapp2.ini consists of application cleaning routines submitted by users, so they may or may not work.


    Also, if you want, you can add in your own programs to winapp2.ini, so it is good for knowledgeable users who don't have some software not supported by CCleaner.

  15. All the previous times I updated ccleaner it has worked perfectly until now. If someone can help me with this that would be great.


    Not too many ideas on this one, but if K's suggestion doesn't work, I would suggest first restarting the computer and trying to install CCleaner in Safe Mode.


    If that doesn't work re-download a previous version (get v1.26 here). Then, uninstall CCleaner, and try installing v1.26 again. If it works, we can isolate the problem to the newest version, but if it doesn't work, then the issue is most likely with Windows.

  16. Yeah, it is still beta though. And they only allow a limited amount of signups then its closed for a period of time.

    I think it will be something similiar to the serice that MSN provide, maybe Yahoo provide something like that too.

    A simple WYSIWYG webpage editor for HTML that works in the browser and allows people to make simple personal webpages.


    Google betas tend to be fairly stable. Google Mail and Google Talk are both betas, and they run with few hitches. None of their stuff will compromise your system.

  17. Found this on a review site: "The current revision of the Cruzer Mini has NO write-protect switch, although older, thicker models have this feature. SanDisk probably dropped this feature when attempting to make the drive thinner."


    Well there we go then; it has to be some sort of software that came with the drive. Otherwise, I have no other ideas.

  18. I more then likely will switch, i have been playing around with Ubuntu for some time now on VMware Player. One simple fact remands tho, why it does allot of stuff brilliantly, games that i and most people like using do not come out for other operating systems and i LOVE games B) .




    I've read about this in Maximum PC. It is supposed to work fairly well, so you may want to check it out, englishmen.


    I will not be upgrading to Vista. Not only does it continue to follow Microsoft's trend of hogging resources, but it also has integrated DRM, as well as other features which worry me, such as a built-in MS P2P network which is running by default. Do I really want MS consuming my bandwidth, and sending info about me to their servers whenever I'm connected (which is always)?

  19. It's write-protected, so it doesn't matter what file system you use; you will still receive the same message. The problem absolutely positively has to be either:


    1. There is a hardware write-protect button located somewhere on the drive


    2. The drive has some strange software enabled which provents it from being written to


    I realize that both of these items have already been listed, but according to your screenshot, those are the only things it could possibly be. If you are positive that there is no switch on the drive to enable/disable this feature, I would recommend looking at the software's documentation to see if there is any way to undo the write-protect.


    Sorry I can't tell you more. If you have any help files that came with the software, maybe attach those here so that we can read them and tell you what you need to do.

  20. Hey! Ike, from the Sunshine State of Florida.


    Thank you for your reply, but I must tell you I had Firefox at one time, but not anymore. I had to do a reinstall of Windows XP last year, and chose not to have but one browser after the reinstall. I was told less is better, and I agree. I chose to keep IE6, and so far I am happy with IE7 Beta 2. Thanks for your help, and the link to Firefox, but for now I will stay with what I have.


    Have a good evening,



    :lol: Ike from the Sunshine State of Florida :lol: Technically, Illinois, but it still made me smile. :P


    I would have to say that I agree with your "less is better" philosophy for the most part, but I do love my Firefox, and would never go back to IE. In fact, I would use a utility to remove IE if it wasn't for the fact that MS won't let you get Windows Updates without it. :angry:


    But I have a an extension called IE Tab which lets you open IE as a tab in Firefox, so I never have to use IE's interface at least!


    If you really do like IE, more power to you. To each their own. :)

  21. OK, that's a good assumption. So let's just look at this forum's users. There are 3,649 registered users; 70 of these have bothered to vote in this important poll, and 40 have voted against the toolbar. That is 1.09%.


    Now this shows how angry the world is about the new toolbar B)


    40 out of 70 voters did not want the toolbar. So of the voters, 57.142857142857142857142857142857% of people don't want it. You wrote that there are "3,649 registered users". I would confidently say that at least 75% of those users have made only 1 post or less, so it seems silly to me to include people who haven't been a part of the CCleaner forum for months, or even years.


    To say that only 1.09% of people don't want the toolbar is foolish. 57% don't want it. That is over one-half of the voting users. Your math lacks.

  22. I'm BATMAN!




    Batman, the Dark Knight - 83%


    William Wallace - 67%


    Neo, the "One" - 63%


    Lara Croft - 58%


    The Terminator - 54%


    James Bond, Agent 007 - 54%


    Captain Jack Sparrow - 50%


    The Amazing Spider-Man - 50%


    Maximus - 42%


    Indiana Jones - 42%


    El Zorro - 38%


    There Mike, are you friggin satisfied?!

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