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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. I like it's simlicity..and the way it operates.. over more fancier (looking anyhow) AVG and Avast (even though they are great also)..




    In all honesty I liked the GUI in the old AVG6, I'm not too fond of the GUI in AVG7. However that's a moot complaint hence it's freeware antivirus that's benefiting millions on the web (not just AVG users) by reducing the spreading of viruses and the like.


    Avast on the otherhand can be made to look dirt-simple during its installation by deselecting the option to install skins. I initially couldn't stand Avast because it looked like a media player. However after finding out the skins installation could be disabled I completely changed my opinion about it, and when my eTrust EZ Antivirus 1 year trial ends I'll be making a decision between either it or Avast (minus the skins).

  2. Well with Office 2003 the problem comes from other disk cleaning programs deleting opa11.bak, deleting that file will cause some programs to request the Office 2003 install CD, I suspect some programs need a file *.dll, or *.ocx that's normally installed by Office to run, prime example being mscomctl.ocx.


    I don't know if opa11.bak exists in other versions of Office or if it does what the actual name would be, however Office 2003 installs it into:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\


    For Office 2003 the following two files should be left alone and not deleted:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\

    * opa11.dat

    * opa11.bak

  3. If only the likes of the FBI, and/or Interpol would nab them, take their computers, make it illegal for any of them to ever own a computer again, and finally put them in a prison cell so deep their meals would have to be catapulted to them.

  4. I'd like to know what hacking they did to the screenshot or something else as it doesn't list the version after CCleaner.com on the upper left, and the Tools button on the upper right is no longer there.

  5. I'd also have to recommend ZoneAlarm for the same reason as already stated by rridgely - its ease of use, however my recommendation ends with version, and here's why. Every third-party software-based firewall I've ever tested have bugs in them I've been able to find, it's just a question of "can you live with the bugs."


    There's also another thread with firewall discussion labeled:

    What type of Firewall do you use?

  6. I also had what sounds like the same thing a couple of years ago, however it was with Office 2003. I could only find one solution to end the annoyance which was to copy the whole CD to it's very own unique folder on the hard disk.




    Try this:


    1. Insert the needed CD into your CD drive.


    2. Open Notepad and input the next two lines:


    MD "C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs"

    XCOPY /I /H /E /V "E:\*.*" "C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs\"


    Note: Replace E: with your actual CD drive letter.


    3. Save the file on the desktop as (use the quotation marks):

    "Copy CD.bat"


    4. Double-click Copy CD.bat, it will now automatically copy all of the contents including hidden and system files from the CD to:

    C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs


    5. Do whatever it was you were doing to cause the needed CD dialog to happen again, if it asks for a source or allows you to select a new source select the folder:

    C:\Backup Dell Installed Programs


    If the dialog allows you to select the new source you shouldn't see a prompt to insert that particular CD again.


    Note: If for some reason this doesn't work you can delete the folder.

  7. Knowing MS I wouldn't doubt if there's some remnants left over in the registry, and even possibly on the disk. To say a restore point isn't needed you'd have to use a program to watch the installation (InCtrl5, System Mehanic, Total Uninstall, etc.), and then compare the results after removal.

  8. Although IE has many problems, the most of which I see as security issues I still find it necessary to occassionally use it when a site won't work with my other two installed browsers Mozilla Suite, and Opera.


    Anyways, this thread isn't about IE's rendering or failings, it's about configuring IE to display similiarly to FF.

  9. Heh, the page rendering in the IE screenshots looks horrible.

    IE needs to learn to follow and keep up with the webstandards. ;)

    I've seen bad page rendering happen in every web browser I've ever used; IE, Mozilla Suite, Netscape, and Opera. Too many site's I've seen rely upon a WYSIWYG program which doesn't necessarily end up being "what you see is what you get."


    It's too bad that site designer's have to do so many hacks, or have more than one version of a page just to make a site viewable for all browsers which is sometimes futile since not all browsers will be able to display the page correctly.

  10. Who knows if it's legal, it was leaked out of the test group. I wouldn't download any MS software that is so intertwined with the OS from any website even if it's a trusted download service or not, I'd only use Microsoft Downloads, Microsoft Update, or Windows Update. More than likely it will install over IE6, therefore for system stability avoid it until it's finalized and is made available from Microsoft Downloads, Microsoft Update, or Windows Update.


    There's also some discussion about it here, on a different forum.

  11. You didn't play super metroid on the snes?




    I don't exactly remember the metriod title, you're asking me to go back ten or more years in remembering something that's nothing more than a vague memory. I just remember playing the game so much and fighting countless hordes of aliens.


    Speaking of SNES, I still have my original one wrapped in a plastic bag it's so old the plastic has a non-removable yellowish discolouration to it. Although I have the system I did however sell all the working games in a yard sale and the rest to Bresoftware.com. Ah nostalgia for a 20+ years gamer. I can't even remember how many systems and how many games I've owned, and how many thousands of dollars I spent on them and will only be doing it all over again with the release of the next systems.

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