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Posts posted by Stephen

  1. After a windows XP Home repair install, my windows installer and updater is hosed. I've tried a lot of things to no avail. I did find a log from when I did the repair. It has the following: ".....FATAL: MSI DLL version is 3.0. Version 3.1 is required." This is followed by: "...WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {B627A8FF-19CD-45F5-A938-32879DD90123}.100, error = 0x80241001."


    I understand from this and other attempts at fixing this that I have the 3.0 installer version when I'm supposed to have the 3.1 version. I also cannot install the 3.1 version - I just get an "access denied" error message.


    Is there anything in the above log text that suggests a possible solution to anyone?

  2. Do you mean the Security Center - Automatic Updates, Windows Firewall and Internet Options?


    I did a windows repair install, without uninstalling IE7 first. It messed up IE completely. I finally got that fixed, but now I can't do any updates. When I click on windows update, it tries to install "Windows installer 3.1", but then gives me an error message "access denied".


    I found a solution to this for XP Pro, but it doesn't work for XP Home.

  3. My computer is a couple of weeks old, and already I am getting the same re-occurring CHKDSK error message that I got on my old computer.


    I run CHKDSK, and it tells it it "discovered free space marked as allocated in the master file table (MFT) bitmap". I run CHKDSK/F to no avail. I got this message consistently on my other computer as well. Does anyone know why this is occuring, and if there is a way to actually fix it?

  4. Do any of you have Kaspersky Internet Security 6? If so, do you know if there is a setting to always allow individual site-specific popups? WHen I'm on some websites, I get a popup notification which the choices to bloc or allow once. If I allow once, then refresh the page (which I have to do on some sites), I then get the same notification all over again. This makes it impossible to access those sites.

  5. Yes I have. It works fine but does take a fair while to complete. However, the bonus is you will NOT have to reinstall all your programs and drivers again.


    This may help




    PS. Should also have mentioned that if you have installed IE7 that must be removed before you do the repair.


    IE 7 was installed as part of the XP installation. Do I still need to uninstall it?


    Here's the situation. I just did a new build a couple of weekends ago. While installing XP, the monitor I was using kept turning itself off. Without thinking, I hit the enter key and escape key the first couple of times it did it. After the install finished, I switched out monitors.


    Since I started up the new computer, it boots up a bit slower than I expected, and it sits on windows update forever (and I mean a realy long time). Several other applications also seem longer than they should be. Could this be caused by how the install went?

  6. My mobo (Intel Bad Axe 2) has a 4-pin connector for the cpu fan. The directions indicate that if a 3-pin fan is connected, the fan will run at full speed.


    I have a Ninja HS with a Scythe "S-FLEX fan. The fan comes with a 3 pin connector, that includes a 4 pin adapter. the adapter is a single wire connected to the 3 pin connection.


    Is there a way to connect this fan with the 4 pin connection on the mobo and have the mobo automatically adjust the speed?

  7. Could anyone have filled out your name and email on one of those "tell a friend about this site"?


    Can you right click the email from dailymailnews.net and bring up it's properties to see if it is the correct address it came from as they can mask the right address.


    If you can bring up the properties - details - look at the return path.


    That is for OE, may be similar for your email program.



    No to the first question. And I have deleted the spam already.

  8. Has anyone heard of "dailymailnews.net"? I received a spam from them at an email address I set up separetely from my regular email - which I use for the email address for forums like this one. This email was addressed to me by my real name - which suggests someone either hacked into or bought a data set from one of these forums.


    Has anyone else received any email from this site?

  9. I have the Intel Bad Axe 2 mobo, and the Intel E6700 processor. I'm looking to get the CNPS9500 cooler. The regular version comes with a FanMate, while the AT version is controlled by the mobo. I'm interested in pros and cons of one versus the other.

  10. I have the Intel D975XBX2 mobo, and the Intel E6700 processor is on it's way. I'm still trying to settle on memory. The mobo official specs are that it takes DDR2 800, 667, and 533 - DDR2 1000 is not listed. It also indicates it takes 1.8V and 1.9V DIMMS.


    I do a lot of video editing, and moderate gaming. I'm not sure about overclodking, as I have never done it. However, I'd like to have the option to down the road if I decide to take that plunge.


    So, I am trying to decide between several versions of Crucial memory. The options I'm looking at are as follows:


    Crucial #CT2KIT12864AA80E, which is DDR2-800, CL=5, 1.8V.

    Crucial Ballistix #BL2KIT12864AA804 - DDR2-800, 4-4-4-12, 2.2V.

    Crucial Ballistix #BL2LIT12864AA1005 - DDR2-1000, 5-5-5-15, 2.2V.


    The last two show higher voltage than the mobo spec sheet, and the last one shows a higher DDR2 rating than the mobo spec sheet. Does that mean these are not compatible? Or that the bios need to be tweaked for them to work and be stable?


    Any feedback?

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